Chapter 19

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Lukes pov:

After I just read that I had to get out of there

I put the song back in the box them put the box back onto the shelf making sure she did not know I was in her room

I walked out of the room feeling tears coming down my face

I am very upset but also confused

One I thought Julie told Nick that she did not want to go out with him

Two, why am I crying so much I thought I just have a crush on her

I did not want to go to the studio I had a risk of getting caught crying by Alex or Reggie.

I did not know where to go

So I went to the only other place I ever really go

My patent house

I poofed in right in front of the house

I stood outside of the door for a second just looking

I don't know what for

but I was just staring there

I finally walk through the door

When I walked in I smelled the scent of lavender

my mom's favorite flower

I smile when I see my dad sitting on the couch watching tv with a coffee in his hand 

I then see my mom in the kitchen, looks like she making cookies or something

My smile widens

I then start walking down the hallway

I stop at the end

I look up to the door that says "Lukes room, DO NOT ENTER"

I just stand there

I have not been in my room ever since I ran away

I finally get the courage to open the door

I reach out my hand and twist open the doorknob

I open the door all the way and walk-in

I take in my surroundings

Everything is the same

Nothing has been touched ever since I ran away

Did my parents even come in here?

I sit down on my bed and suddenly the reason why I'm here comes flooding back into my mind

I feel tears coming down my cheeks

I fall back onto my bed

I just stay there for I don't know how long

but when I pick myself back up and look out the window its already dark

I know the boys and Julie are probably worried about me so I start to walk out the door

I don't know how I am gonna face Julie without completely breaking down

I think about it for a moment

Then I got a lightbulb idea

I will ask normal but I won't do all these things with Julie

so if she goes to lie on me I can just get her to sit next to me or if she wants to hang out alone then I will just get Alex and Reggie to come.


that's the plan for now

nothing could go wrong

or can it......


Im back at Julies house and walking towards the studio when I hear music playing


I am missing rehearsal

I run to the studio and open the door

the music stops and all three heads turn to me

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" Alex screams getting up from his drums

"Yea we have not seen you since this morning," Reggie says

"I was out," I said

"Okay but why were you skipping rehearsal," Julie asks crossing her arms

"Im sorry I lost track of time and forgot about it, it won't happen again," I say

Julie rolls her eyes

"Fine, cmon tho we got lots of work to do," Julie says walking back towards the piano

I look over at Alex and Reggie and they look mad

"Oh cmon guys give me a break, Alex once skipped and he did not get terrorized," I said through my arms in the arms 

"True, let's just get to work" Reggie says, he turns around I starts skipping back to his guitar]\

What is wrong with him

Sorry for not posting this week, I have been super stressed with school. I have spring break next week so I will try to get a few chapters out

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