Chapter 12- Ditching School With The Bad Boy (Part 2)

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Chapter 12- Ditching School With The Bad Boy (Part 2)

After finishing and paying for our meal we left the little diner. I have to say Brody was completely right, the food was pretty good. As you can imagine I continued fishing for more information while we ate our lunch but unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to get anything useful. Hmm...I guess I'll just have to try harder. Once we were inside the car Brody's phone went off and he began texting someone.

"So other than school did you have any other plans for the day?" He asks me not looking from his once.

"No." I reply shaking my head.

Why? I wonder what he's up to.

"Good." He says finishing up whatever he was doing on his phone and putting it away. "Because we have plans."

"What kind of plans?" I ask as he pulls into the road away from the diner.

"The fun kind." He smirks without looking at me.

I began to feel a little worried. His kind of fun is not usually my kind of fun. What is he dragging me into? On lord please don't be something illegal. It can't go on my record. I've never even had so much as a detention on there and I don't plan on putting anything on it now.

The rest of the ride we hardly spoke. It was more of a comfortable silence than anything. While he drove I thought of more questions I could ask Brody without seeming suspicious. If he knows I'm on to him he'll hide things more and that wouldn't get me anywhere.

A few minutes later we pulled up to a woodsy secluded area. Uh...why were we here? I looked around at our surroundings and found nothing familiar to me. I don't think I've ever been here. It seems like one of those places where murders take place and no one can hear your screams. Kind of like those cheesy horror movies I watch but just because their cheesy doesn't mean they're not good though.

The next thing I know Brody is standing next to my open door waiting for me to exit the car. "Are you coming?"

"Y-you know, I'm n-not really an outdoors kind of person." I stuttered feeling a little worried.

"Why?" He smirked. "Scared of a bear catching you?"

What?!? Bears? I forgot all about them. No. No way was I going now. Over my dead body. Which is odd because if I do go that's probably what I'll wind up as. Murderers are one thing but throw in crazy hungry bears...nope. Although the first one alone was enough to make me stay planted in my seat and never move.

He continued smirking as he watched my reaction. "Well?"

"You know I think I'd like to go home."

This time he let out a loud laugh. "I'm kidding. I've been here many times and I've never seen a bear."

"Does my fear amuse you or something? You seem to get your kicks from my reactions." I state rather annoyed.

"Very much." He admits.

I roll my eyes at him and get out of the car. If I can deal with him maybe a bear isn't so scary after all. Either one could kill me. One from annoyance and the other from getting eaten.

"You just need to learn not to get so worked up over stuff." He chuckles closing my door and grabbing my hand. "Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you."

I ignore the comfort and pleasure it gives me to have his hand wrapped around mine. I refuse to let it get to me right now. I've got more important things to focus on. Like what exactly I've gotten myself into. 'Just focus on the bears Farrah. That won't make you think about Brody. Mean flesh eating bears.'

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