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I stare across the room at the blushing bride and can’t help but feel a little jealous it isn’t me standing there with my groom greeting the guest who came to celebrate in the joy of us spending our life together.

Olivia and Thomas had been going strong for five years now and since they were finally out of college, they saw nothing holding them back from making such a commitment to each other. I was envious of them.

They both had a love that anyone would be lucky be a part of- even if only for a moment.

Brody and I had yet to be married or take any kind of leap in our relationship. Other than moving in together five years ago, that was it for spontaneity. Sure we had talked about making the commitment a few times, but it never went further than that; just talking.

I guess that would explain my jealousy of the couple standing before me. Of course this didn’t stop me from being happy for her.

I slowly travel across the room to them to see if Olivia needs anything. It is part of my maid of honor duties.

"Hey,” she whispers to me so that no one can hear. “Could you please go distract my mom before she see’s my dad? Ever since the divorce they can’t even be in the same room together without fighting and I really don’t want a scene at my wedding.”

“I’m on it,” I nod. I can understand that. This is her special day after all.

I push through the crowded room in search of a bitter mother when I spot the one I’m looking for nearly twenty feet away. She seems to be keeping the company of my mother which almost makes me want to crawl back in a hole and hide until this whole reception is over. I wouldn’t bail on a friend though. That’s why I take in a deep breath and force myself to take the necessary steps over to their table.

By the time I reach them I hear them both discussing the divorce, to no surprise, and I ready myself to interrupt them.

“Beautiful reception isn’t it?” I say taking a seat at their table.

By the looks of it, they have already had a few classes of champagne.

“Yes,” Marla nods. “I can hardly believe it is all happening so fast. My oldest daughter is married now.”

“Fast?” My mother giggles. “They’ve been engaged for three years.”

At this point my mother shoots a pity glance my way.

What a nice way to make me feel better mom, I think trying to hold back my irritation.

“I know,” Marla sighs. “But the time just seems to have escaped me somehow. The last year alone has been nothing, but a blur.”

“It was a nasty divorce, wasn’t it,” Mom states. “And to think, he had the nerve to bring her here. This must be awful for you.”

To any unsuspecting person they might think that my mother was just being the concerned friend, but in my eyes, all I saw was a woman looking for a good piece of gossip to share with the world. That’s just how my mother was whether I liked it or not.

“This is my daughter’s wedding. Now is not the time to bring up my husband’s mistress.” She says sullen.

“Ex, dear,” My mother corrects.

Marla face is masked with confusion at my mother’s response. “Excuse me?”

“You’re ex husband.” She says again.

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