Chapter 3- Practice Makes Perfect

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(Chapter 3- Practice Makes Perfect)

I groaned at hearing my phone ring for the fifth time now since I'd been home. Could he seriously not take a hint? Since Blake couldn't be here for me to glare at him, I directed my annoyance toward the phone instead. I had to let my anger out somehow if not on him.

I suppose you're wondering what that was all about, right? Well I'll tell you. After school today Brody let me in on his list of demands, we'll get to that part later, he gave me some advice. I was supposed to be acting like everything was normal so when Blake finds out about us he won't think it's for show. He said the best thing to do was to act like I wasn't interested in him anymore, or else he'll know he got to me, and that's not what I wanted.

So the plan for tomorrow was to openly makeout with Brody in a secluded part of the hallway where we knew Blake would catch us together. It was better to create a more intimate atmosphere instead of putting it on for show in front of people in effort to make it appear more real. Then when he makes a huge scene I can let him know that I had moved on, and it will make it seem exactly as if I had. The only difference was the fact that I would be continuing a relationship with Brody instead of ending it directly after, which will be my revenge.

That's the only down side to this whole thing was I have to continue dating Brody to make it look like this is real and not something that was planned just to piss Blake off. So now that the details are all worked out all I had to worry about were my acting skills. It wasn't exactly my strong point, so I'm seriously going to have to practice on that.

I stood in front of my mirror holding Blake's picture in front of me. It was the one I took of him a month ago on our spring break trip to the lake. I can still remember how much fun it was being there with him. His parents had invited my parents along to get to know each other a little better since we seemed so serious, and everyone instantly hit it off. 

What?!? Yes you can! That jerk cheated on you Farrah or have you forgotten already?

No,  I haven't forgotten, it was just a blast from the past that's all.

Oh great now I'm talking to myself. I'm going off the deep end big time. Next stop for me is the crazy house.

Ok concentrate here, this is extremely serious. I put the picture up in front of my face and took in a deep breath remembering what he had done to me and the anger set in.

"Oh, Blake I didn't see you there." I said pretending to be caught.

"What am I doing?" I asked. "Oh nothing just moving on, as you did."

Wait, I wasn't supposed to say that was I? Ok let's try that again.

I cleared my throat and began take two.

"Oh Blake you weren't suppose to find out this way." I blushed. "We were going to tell you first."

I could keep the grin off my face at thinking about how angry he would be when he found out. Payback was going to be a bitch. I grinned evilly at the picture.

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