Chapter 26- I Know People Can Surprise You But I Never Expected This

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Chapter 26- I Know People Can Surprise You But I Never Expected This


As Kristen and I head down the hallway towards her locker I didn’t know if should talk to her or run and hide. I know it was just ridiculous for me to be acting this way but…it was Kristen. The girl I’m sure was back to claim what was hers or, used to be hers, Brody.

That thought alone made me feel a little possessive over him. I really hope I’m wrong and that’s not what she was going to do because I don’t think I would handle that very well. And of course this had to happen when Brody and I were doing so well. Of all the luck.

“This is it.” She says stopping at the red locker on the other side of the hall. “I’ll just be a minute.”

I nod as she begins to put up her things and my eyes can’t help but wonder to the Hello Kitty decorated locker about ten down from hers. Brody is going to kill me if he thinks I had anything to do with this, which technically I guess I did since I didn’t say anything to him. Does that make me an accomplice?

I had to hold in my laughter at the hilarity of it though. I mean come on it’s a guys locker pimped out in Hello Kitty, pink and purple glitter all over it. And let’s not forget about the door she super glued shut.  Who wouldn’t laugh at that? It looks like a locker that would belong to a thirteen year old.

“Someone must have been bored.” She states staring at the locker down the hall.

“Well that’s high school for you.” I reply.

She shrugs and pulls her eyes away from the locker to examine her folded up schedule.

“Looks like I have English with Mrs. White.” She says while still looking it over. “Then Science with Mr. Pine.”

Hold on a minute, this is starting to sound a lot like my schedule.

“After that comes History with Mr.…”

Please don’t say it.

“Black.” She finishes.

I felt relief when she didn’t say Mr. Lawson. I’d kill myself if she was in all of my classes.

“Oh wait that’s gym. It’s Mr. Lawson.” She corrected.


Well it looks as if my luck just keep getting better and better. How will I ever survive this? I suppose it could be worse though. All of her classes could have been with Brody.

“Well right this way is-”

I was suddenly cut off by the loud speaker announcing that Kristen Bradley needed to come to the office to pick up her keys she left there. Well I suppose this is where I can lose her.

“That’s me.” She says. “I’ll be back.”

With that she turns from me and marches towards the office and I couldn’t have been happier. This couldn’t have worked out any better if I had planned it myself. Freedom at last!

Well almost. That great feeling diminished once the bell rang ending first period. It was just a sad reminder I still had the whole say left until I can finally leave this place.

As the students poured out of the classrooms I felt a little claustrophobic in these not so big hallways. It was like a heard of antelopes running from a lion. Can someone say uncomfortable? This is why I am usually on the outskirts of the hallway where it is much safer. Lucky for me though I was still in perfect view of Brody’s locker where it was about to become very entertaining.

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