Chapter 34- Out of Sight, Out of Mind

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Chapter 34- Out of Sight, Out of Mind

(Blake’s POV)

I sit quietly waiting for Farrah’s answer even though I already knew it was somewhere with Brody. When I saw both of her friends at the party Friday night without her, and the absence of Brody as well, it wasn’t too hard to figure out it out.

Just the thought of it made my blood boil. It angered me to think of him being anywhere close her. She was mine….or used to be. With Brody in the way it was making it exceedingly difficult to get her back.

Farrah had a very forgiving heart and I know if she was thinking on her own I could get her back in a minute but now she had another person helping her think. I just need to figure out a plan to get him out the picture before I continued pursuing her.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of her heavy sigh, and she doesn’t even spare me a glace before she speaks. “That’s my business Blake. I don’t owe you any explanations.”

Although her voice was calm it didn’t make her response hurt any less. It didn’t need to be reminded that we were not together anymore. I was reminded of that every day I saw them together.  School had slowly become my hell.

“I know you were with him.” I keep my eyes on the road ahead as I spoke.

“If that’s true then why ask me at all?” She replies with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Because I want to you to tell me.”

I steal another glance in her direction only to find her sitting with her arms crossed looking out the window beside her. I instantly recognized the look she was wearing as her angry look. I’d only seen it a few times when we were together, but it was enough to know she didn’t like to be messed with. I knew I would get any answers from her until she was ready to talk to me again.

Once I came upon her driveway I had hoped she’d be a little bit more relaxed, but her lack of speech told me she wasn’t. At this point I didn’t even know if she would even stick around to say goodbye. I wouldn’t push her to though. I’m trying to earn her respect and trust however long it may take. I wanted her to see I was still the same guy she fell in love with but with faults just like any other person. We all make mistakes and I’m still paying for mine.

I pull in slowly and kill the engine once I park. I felt a small sense of joy that she didn’t immediately jump from the car the moment were stopped. When she turned to me and looked at me with those big brown eyes my heart leaped.

“Keys.” She says emotionlessly holding out her hand in front of me.

So that was all she wanted? Wait, of course it was. It wasn’t like I had expected her to forgive me so soon.

I sigh as I pull them from the ignition and hold them in my hand. “Can we please just talk first?”

I know it was a low holding her things hostage to get a conversation with her but I didn’t know when I would be able to get her alone again. It wasn’t exactly easy these days.

“No.” She says matter of factly. “I have a date with my television today and frankly I would much rather be spending my time with it rather than you.”

“You’re obviously angry with me. It would be better if we talked about it.”

A slight sarcastic smile appears on her face in almost an instant as she retracts her hand. “I’d rather watch all the different ways I could cover up your murder if you don’t leave me alone!” She visually calms after her threat, but replaces her once smooth features with a frown. “I don’t want to talk and I certainly don’t want to be friends. I just need some space Blake. And I’ve already broken my promise to Brody because of you so the best thing you could do is just leave me alone for a while.”

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