Chapter 36- You Live And You Learn

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Chapter 36- You Live and You Learn

“Hey.” I smile as I exit Blake’s room and see Brody setting in the light pink chair across the hallway.

He seems to be pretty absorbed in one of the many magazines on the side table when my voice breaks his concentration. He quickly lays it down when his eyes meet mine and stands up to meet me. I could still see the worry etched upon his face for me and it made me feel good that he care so much.

“Hey.” He replies. “How is everything?”

“Good,” I nod. “He’s just recovering. I don’t think he’ll be getting out anytime soon though.”

“I didn’t think so.” He agrees wrapping an arm around my waist. “You ready to get out of here?”

“Yes, please.” I say a bit overeager. I never cared much for hospitals and I had spent more than enough time in one today so I was ready to go back to school.

“Come on. I think we’ll make back to school just in time for lunch.” He says.

“Good. I need to talk to Grace anyway.” I say as Brody walks me down the hall. Now that the worst is over I can finally get some answers from her. It was time.

The lot is full once we arrive at school.  Many students are standing by their cars laughing and talking, seemingly enjoying their lunch hour. Currently we had only missed the first fifteen minutes of it so there was still plenty of time to let everyone know how Blake was doing.

I’m sure his friends still had questions.  

“Hey, I’ve gotta go find Kyle, I’ll meet up with you in a minute.” Brody says abruptly as we exited the vehicle.

“Oh…okay.” I pause. “I guess I catch with you later then.”

 He rounds the car and gives me a quick peck on the lips before mumbling “later” then leaves me to scour the mass of students alone. I wasn’t exactly sure what had in such as rush, but if he wanted me to know he would have told me. I really don’t want to be the prying girlfriend even though I was genuinely curious. I guess I’ll just have to wait until he tells me.

I mumbled a few excuse me’s as I pushed my way through the people and came to the school entrance. Right now Olivia and Grace should be sitting down to eat so it should be hard to find them at our usual table.

The lunch room was almost as busy as the parking lot but not quite. Most people preferred to eat outside, so it would always be somewhat busier out there.

When I enter the cafeteria I spot my two blonde friends sitting next to Thomas, Jake and Sarah. Some unknown girl was holding Jake’s hand but I don’t take to time to think about it. I am too busy looking for Hunter and Blake’s other friends.

As I get ready to find their table I feel a light tap on m left shoulder causing me to turn around and face to person getting my attention.

“Hey,” Hunter says. “I was hoping you’d be here. How’s Blake?”

He wasted no time getting strait to the point. Concern shown through his eyes while he awaited my reply.

“He’s okay. Pretty banged up, but ok.” I state easing his worry.

“Good.” He nods relived. “The guys and I were gonna go see him after school. I didn’t think I’d be able to this morning, what with his family being there in all, so I thought I’d give them some time.”

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