Chapter 9- It's A Good Thing I'm Not A Vampire. I'd Never Make It.

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(Chapter 9- It's a good thing I'm not a vampire. I'd never make it)

"Fare, I'm freaking out here. Help me," Olivia begs after telling me about this mystery guy she likes. She won't give up his name, but she's promised me she will tell me soon. "Do you think he still likes me or he has given up?"

From what I had gathered from our conversation, the mystery guy had started acting different towards her. No flirting, no teasing, and giving her some space. Olivia was definitely worried. 

"I think your over analyzing it. Maybe something happened to him and he's taking a step back. It doesn't mean he's given up." 

I hate I can't give her better advice, but I honestly don't know this guy's situation. I can't judge. 

"Ugh my mom's calling, I've gotta go." She complains.

"Ok, I'll see you at the game." I quickly reply before she hangs up.

I lay the phone down on my dresser while checking myself in the mirror. I had to get everything just right to make Blake jealous tonight. Although I don't think we would have to try very hard. He seems to be jealous all the time. I didn't forget those looks he gave me today every time he saw Brody and I together. Brody ate it up though. He seems to get his kicks out of pissing Blake off. I wonder why he despises him so much anyway.

I slip on my flats and wrap a loose complimenting scarf around my neck and I'm ready to go. I look at the clock in my room and see its 5:45 pm. Brody should be here soon. I think he was coming to get me at six if I'm not mistaken. Will that be enough time to do something to drive Blake completely mad? I mean more so than usual.

"Hey." Heather says interrupting me from my thoughts.

I turn to see her standing in my door way with some money in hand. She reaches it out to me without waiting for a greeting. "Dad told me to give you this for the game."

"Thanks." I reply taking the money and putting it in my pocket.

When I notice she isn't leaving I decide to speak up. "Did you need anything else?"

"No." She shrugged. "I just thought I'd tell you that you look nice. Blake will definitely approve."

Her comment took me by surprise. Well not just the compliment but the thing about Blake to. I guess she didn't know. Heather and I didn't exactly talk like most sisters do. Well....we really never talk at all to be honest. We try to keep our distance from each other as much as possible.

"Uh...actually we broke up." I confess.

She looked completely shocked by my words. "Really?"

I nod my head. "Yeah but it's a long story." I start then realize the truth.

"Actually, no. No it's not." I say bitterly. "Basically he's been with my now ex best friend Megan behind my back and God only knows who else."

Realizing I just spilled my guts to my sister I stand shocked. Why did I just do that? I never talk about my personal life with her. Maybe I just needed to get that out there. Keeping it in was starting to bother me. The longer I keep this secret the more I want to lash out at people more specifically Blake.

"Um... wow." She says a bit taken back. "I'm really sorry Farrah."

Wait, a sincere apology from Heather Bryant? Am I in the twilight zone? This doesn't happen in my reality.

"Thanks." I say still unsure of myself.

"Well I'll let you get back to getting ready." She half smiles as she turns to walk away.

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