Chapter X

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Well today it looks as if I am going to train with Mickey, ugh...

As I walked into the Black Pillar, dozen of things happened. Someone spilled thier coffee, even though the mug never left the desk, a sign was placed up by a janitor, even though no one saw him, not even on camera.

If this place didn't already freak me out... I was freaked of how training would be. So, I slowly walked past all the business people sitting in there cubicles pretending to type but more like on weird sites, their blogs, and hacking into FBI and government cites.

I kept walking, a little faster, until, BANG. I smack my face a door, my nose smashed against it. I fall down on the ground, but no blood flows its river from my nostrils, and their is no pain vibrating its sting on my nose.

I get a blur, different then what I usually have when I go into Time Freeze. I was in the same place, but without the door in front of me, and there was no one at the desks. A desk flies straight at me, I dodge it, but then the chair makes a sharp U-turn and comes hurling back at me. I press my hands together to protect my face from getting hit. As I look through a small holes made by my thumbs, I see the chair had stopped.

I move my hands up facing the ceiling, and the chair was now above me. I then remove my hands, and the chair stays in the air for above 5 seconds, until it dropped again. This time I stand there, but only use one hand to defend myself, which made the chair burst into particles.

As I moved my hand so did the particles, moving up and down as my palm faces them. I move the particles over to the right and put the under a desk, I then kludge my fist, and the chair puts itself together again.

The room changes and now I am with Mickey, yet he doesn't realize it, I try to poke him, but he stands as a ripple in the water. I keep trying to touch him, but each time feels like I am touching lava, my hand starts to burn, but I ignore the pain, continuing to try and get his attention.

I soon kludged my fist and punch him, the particles come together and Mickey lays on the ground in pain.

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