Chapter Δ

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Mickey was fast, his speed almost broke the sound barrier but it wasn't as quick as I could go. I basically was jogging behind the slowpoke as we passed Randolph St.

By the time we got to the Black Pillar, I wasn't allowed to enter the building yet, so I sneaked behind a few of the cars, finding one with keys, and turned on the radio.

'As fast as we thought things happen here in Chicago, there a a few wondering what it was flashing faster then the lights we see further up north. These lights appeared as one red bolt and the other as a blue bolt, heading in the same direction toward one target. These bolts came to a halt when they came in contact with the Sears Tower. Please call 1-733-THE-BEAT if you have have any more information on these...' The radio went to a static and the car turned off.

I got away from the car, my hands were vibrating, they were moving so fast I couldn't see them. I wish someone could help me, but the people at A.E.R.Z. didn't know who I was yet, and I felt like the real R.A.E.Z. now.

I move by the door that separates the parking lot with the office. I lean against the wall and the impossible happens again. Somehow as my hands where vibrating, the rest of me started to vibrate. I started to fall, not forward away from the wall, back backwards into it.

I was in the office, spread out on the floor, my shoes lost inside the walls. I look around to see if anyone noticed, everyone was upside down, and were staring at me.

"Excellent entrance miss..." a girl froze her speech realizing I was a stowaway. She hit a button on her desk, but before she realized it I was gone in the blink of her eyes, and vanished into Mickey's room, adding myself into the computer for maybe someone would know me from the future's past.

How can someone know you if they never met you? What would happen if I got caught. Does Mickey know me, he gave me the same card, yet it had a rust stain and on the back was the words: YOU ARE MY BLUE

I never noticed these words before, and I still remember were I put the last card. If only I could go back and find my shoes, I had the card inside my soles. Maybe I zapped it back here with my flashing.

I shake my hands and run into the wall. I make my way toward the parking lot to where I was leaning earlier before falling. I find my shoes and run back into Mickey's closet and using the Camo ability.

I look at the card and realize Mickey gave me the one that was in the coat pocket from before. I check the coat pocket and find the one that I had stuck in my shoe's sole.

I quickly check inside my shoe, just as the shadow figure of Mickey entered the room, first looking at his Windows 95, then opening the closet doors.

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