Freaking snakes man

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"So why are we up here, (Y/n)?" Gon asks. He jumps up to the next branch while keeping an ear out. "Climbing." I curtly replied.

"Have you gotten your badge yet? I wanna help any way i can."

"Sorry hun. I already have my badge." I pull myself up to the top branch.

"Aww..." He pouts disappointedly.

"Is there anything i can do for you?"
He looked up to me.
"I'm looking for the others. Ya think you could track Leorio's nasty smelling perfume?"

His eyes lit up like a child on Christmas day. "Sure!" He said excitedly. I fawn over his glorious existence. "Aww, love you."
I say. I kick my legs gleefully.

"I love you too!" He said boldly. His face was a little too close for comfort. And his voice was way too loud for my ears. I jolted back in surprise.

"Yikes that hurt." I put my hands over my ears. Gon saw this and shouted an apology. He quickly realized his mistake. "Ah!" He clamped his mouth shut with his hands. I give him a quick pat on the head. "That'll do. Now, could you help me find the others?

He nodded his head with his hands still on his mouth.

'He's like a puppy with the potential to destroy everyone... Cute.'

Gon caught Leorio's smelly man perfume scent. We were listening to their conversation while they were hanging out in the bushes. Talking amongst themselves.

"Well? Anyone there?" Leorio asked Kurapika. "No one that could be easily spotted." Kurapika replied.

"Damn." Leorio cussed.

"Perhaps we should split up to search after we decide a time and place to reconvene."

"It'll go faster with four people." Gon and i went down from the tree we were on. Gon landed gracefully while i took the time to climb down. Cause climbing is fun kids!

"Gon?" Kurapika said.

"Yep and i guess I'm chopped liver or something cause no one thought to address me." I said with an annoyed smile. "I'm terribly sorry (Y/n)." Kurapika apologized politely.
"No no i get it. Go on."

"We've been watching from up above, amd a number of people are nearby." Gon said.

'And I'm not gonna mention the fact that i was temporarily blinded while looking at Hanzo. His head is too shiny.'

"Really? I see... We should search from above." Leorio said to himself.
"That won't work. It's only possible if you have eyes as sharp as Gon's" Kurapika said. Leorio's face looked pretty stupid after he said that, which of course i found hilarious.

"Kahaha!" I laughed at him. He noticed. While Leorio was getting angry, Kurapika was talking to Gon.

"Do you have the tags you need?" He asked. Gon looked away in discomfort. I stopped messing around and walked over. I slung my arm around him and pulled out my target's tag.
"Heck yeah we both did! And can i mention Gon had a perfect strategy too? He was awesome out there!"
He smiled at me. I'm sure he appreciated that.

"Oh? You two were together for a while then."

"Not at all! (Y/n) has future vi-" i quickly slapped my hands on his mouth.

I got close to his face and spoke quietly.
"Shh it's a secret." I whispered. Gon understood this and nodded. I wondered if Gon would tell people eventually. I feel like I'm digging myself a hole.

Gon's POV
'A secret? She must really trust me.'
It feels like I'm surrounded by flowers right now.

Leorio put his hand on his chin. "Damn, so I'm the only one without enough points." He said.

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