Old quiz lady

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After we got off the ship, we were told to head for the cedar tree. So we looked at a map. We debated whether to go to Zaban City or the cedar tree.
"Anyway, I'll have a look. The captain must have had a reason to suggest that." Gon said walking away. "Hey hey... Your serious? The bus to Zaban City is about to leave. We should just take it." Leorio tries to stop Gon but he just walks away while waving. "Hey! Man...  He's gotta learn you can't trust anyone."

"I think you need to trust the captain's advice, Leorio. Bye." I run to catch up to Gon. He tries to at least talk sense into Kurapika. "They're behavior interests me more than the captain's advice. I'm going too."

After 2 minutes he comes running back. "Why'd you come back Leorio? Did you miss the bus?" I reply with a smug look on my face. "Well, i knew you guys would be lonely without me. It's no fun traveling alone" Leorio answers. "Whatever you say, Mr. Leorio. Haha." He was silent the rest of the trip. I notice someone following us. 'Oh is it that one guy in the show? Hmm, I'll let him tag along.' We reach a town. All of a sudden a bunch of people come out from hiding.

"Exciting..." The old lady mutters.
"Exciting?" Leorio repeats
"Exciting... EXCITING TWO-CHOICE QUIZ!" The old lady suddenly announces loudly. Instruments respond to her words in a melodic gesture. And everyone is dumbfounded, except for me. I clap loudly and jump with joy, laughing. "Astounding performance!" I declare. "Now, you all are headed for the cedar tree. To reach that tree. You have to get through this town. You will answer a single-question quiz.  You have five seconds to answer. Guess wrong, and you're disqualified, and you will not take the hunter exam." "Ok miss! Ask away." I state.
"This must be part of the test." Kurapika adds. "I see, and i happen to be a quiz expert. Wait, only one question!" Leorio tells the old lady.

"You will answer either the number 1 or 2. Any other answer is null and void."

"Wait so we have to share a question? So if they guess wrong, i get disqualified too?" Leorio asks.
"We're not idiots, Leorio. I'm sure if we put our heads together we can pass." I reply. "Yeah, it's way easier too, cause only one of us needs to know the answer. I'm not very good at quizzes" Gon says sheepishly.

"Hey there, hurry up. Or else I'll answer first." A guy with a big nose walks up. Only one thought came to my mind. 'Squidward...' "Who are you?" Leorio asks. "He followed us all the way from the port." Gon says. "Huh, seriously?"
"Yep!" I chirp.
"Sorry kid, i heard your conversation from the port."
"What will you do? He seems eager to take it. We should let him go first. We'll know what question we're expecting that way." Leorio says.

"I don't mind."
"I have no objections."
"Best comes last. Nobody likes the opening act!" I say.

"Then I'll get to it."
"Here is your question." The old lady speaks, followed by a bunch of random sounds. I start spacing out again because i already know what happens and nothing interesting is going on. I enter the inner cavities of my mind, disturbing the sands in the pond of thought... Food. I think about food. I'm hungry.

Gon's exasperated sigh caught me off guard and i snapped out of it. "It's no use, i can't think of an answer!" Gon says. "You're still trying to find an answer? You can stop."
"Huh, why?"
"The quiz is over." Kurapika says

"What!" I shout. "Ah, I'm sorry i spaced out. Miss! Gimme another question!"

"We all passed already, there's no use answering another." Kurapika says. "I know the test is over." Gon says. "But, what if i eventually have to make that decision and i can only save one person. What would i do then? I don't think i can choose just one. But oneday I'll have to make that choice." He continues.

As we leave the old lady and her cult-looking group, her question keeps coming back to me. I start to speak up. "The old lady's question..." I start. "What about it?" Leorio replies. "I don't think i have the willpower to choose either. I think i would accidentally let them both die."

I startled them with my words. "But in the meantime, i have you guys. And you guys are pretty strong, so i hope you will not be in that predicament."
"You can count on us (Y/n)." Kurapika says.

'I sure hope so. I don't want anyone else dying on me..."
Hello lovelies, i hope life is great.
Love you~

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