*Guitar noises*

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I would do this if i could

I would do this if i could

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Love meh Killua. Alright back to the story.
After the whole dispute over who bought dinner, the examiner explained the explained the situation.

"The numere wetlands, also known as swindlers swamp. We must. Cross the wetlands to get to phase two. This place is home to many bizarre animals."

'No stars sherlock...' I stare blankly at the forest ahead. Everything there is probably gonna try to get a piece of little old me. So i have to be prepared. But something else is worrying me. I look toward Hisoka. He catches my glance and winks at me.

A chill goes down my spine.

*startled noises*

I have two options.

1. Stay with Killua and be safe from the creepy pink weirdo.
2. Protecc Gon from said creepy pink weirdo.

I choose number two of coarse!

A loud voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
An injured "man" limps into view. "D-don't fall for it..." He begs. "He's lying to you!" He then jabs a finger towards our suspected examiner satotz. Everyone turns to him while he stands there, uninterested. "He's an imposter! He isn't an examiner. I'm the real examiner"

'I dunno man. You're looking kinda sus to me...'
"An imposter?" Leorio says. This idiot...
Everyone is being idiots...
The man then drags a monkey along.

'This man just pulled out a whole body from the corner. Man this monkey is so dedicated to murdering us. He deserves a medal.' I mentally clapped for this piece of work over here.

The "man" started explaining how satotz is monkey. And how he's gonna nom on all y'all's insides. And they all look like they're gonna gang up on satotz. Then, some cards zoom through the air. Three cards towards the beat up, hobo looking, monkey man, three towards the real examiner...

And three towards me.

I inwardly panic. I don't wanna touch those cards, they had blood on them and i know for sure that Hisoka had his spit on those cards. 'I know! I'll just dodge.'

I duck out of the way, and just in time too. The cards zoom past. Sweat forms on my forehead when i think of if i got hit by those.

He does his creepy laugh while shuffling his cards. "I see, I see... That settles it... You're the real one." He states.
'*Guitar noises*
Oh no i can hear it in my head. Why is his theme so catchy.' Everyone looks shocked. While they're distracted, the monkey that was being dragged earlier fled. Hisoka begins his explanation.

"Examiners are hunter's, selected by the committee to preform this duty without pay. Any hunter, bearing the title we seek, would've been able to block my attack." He says.

reincarnation am i right?| HunterxHunter X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now