Another story?! What?!
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. It's another Draco and Belle Love Story. I just love these two together.
Should I stick with the main girl's name Belle or should I change it?
This story is coming soon! Don't know when will I publish it, but enjoy admiring the cover hehe
Love you all! Thanks for all of your support!
A little description about the story
A long ago, in 1950s a young blonde man who is holding his lovers hand. Both were waiting for a blessing from both parents.
The boy is pureblood while his lover is half-blood.
Both parents do not agree and decided not to give them their blessing.
On one day, they both ran away, they just want to be together. Until the boy's parents demand their followers to get their son back.
While the girls parents also demand to get their daughter back.
The lovers chose a path to stay by each other side.
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do."
"Since both of our parents don't approve. Let's take this potion. If both of us die, we will find each other in the after life."
"What if you can't find me?"
"Don't worry, I will. I will find you, my love."
They both cried into each others arms and slowly took the potion.
Years passed, purebloods and half-blood's don't get along with each other. But not all pure-bloods and half-bloods.
The ones who don't get along is.....the one who is the descendent of the Malfoy's and the Wang's

Never Thought I Would Fall For You PT 3 (A Hogwarts Love Story *FINAL*
FanfictionThis is the final adventure with the Lee Twins. EXO has joined to protect the Wizardry World and the Lee Clan. Erika decides to join with Harry to finish what Dumbledore had started. While Belle was forced to fight the one and only...Draco Malfoy. ...