Belle and Jimmy walked into the house. Arthur Weasley turned to them and smiled.
"So glad you could make it, Jimmy." he said.
"I am too. Even though the clan's in danger." Jimmy said."It's a good thing you're fine." Arthur said.
Jimmy nodded.Then Arthur turned to Belle. Who was dressed very nice for the wedding.
"Your sister is upstairs." he said.Belle nodded and walked upstairs.
While with Erika, she was having a little trouble zipping up her dress.
"Aish, Jinja." Erika muttered.Harry was walking by, until he saw Erika's bare back. He gulped and looked away.
He then cleared his throat, making Erika looked in the mirror and saw him."Oh, Harry." she said.
Harry gulped and turned. "Hey."
"Since you're done, dressing up. Help me with this." Erika said.
"Um..uh..s-sure." Harry stuttered.He walked up behind Erika and stared at her bare back.
He gulped and slowly zip her up."Do you think this is good idea to have a wedding like this?" Erika asked.
"Maybe it's their decision to have a wedding at this time." Harry replied.Erika turned around and faced him. They were about to leaned closer until...
"Oh my."
Erika and Harry pulled back quickly and saw Belle.
"Sorry, I must have interrupted you two." she said.Erika and Harry pulled away from each other, blushing.
"When did you get here? I was worried you know." Erika said."Just now. Dad's here as well." Belle said.
"Jinja?" Erika asked."Ne." Belle replied.
"Guys, we have a visitor." They heard Ron.
They walked downstairs and once they got there. A man was standing there, looking at them.
"To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry asked.
"I think you know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter." The Minister replied.
Erika's POV
We sat on the couch, I sat next to Belle and Harry. Ron sat next to Hermione.The minister set down something on the table.
"And this is...?" Harry asked.
Scrimgeour pulled out a parchment and it flew in mid-air."Herein is set forth the last will and testament...of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley...I leave my Deluminator...a device of my own the hope that, when things seem most will show him the light." He gave Ron the Deluminator.
Ron looked at it and then looked at Scrimigeour. "Dumbledore left this for me?"
"Yeah."Scrimgeour answered.
"Brilliant. What is it?" asked Ron.
Scrimigeour shrugged his shoulders. Ron opened it and it turned out the lights.Ron opened it again and it turn on the lights. "Wicked."
"To Hermione Jean Granger...I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive." He handed the book to Hermione.
"Mom used to read me those. "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot." "Babbitty Rabbitty and the Cackling Stump." said Ron. Harry looked at him weird.
Hermione just sent him a glare. Belle and I kind of got lost. Never heard the stories.
"Come on, Babbitty Rabbitty. No?"
Harry shook his head 'no'.
"To Erika and Isabelle Lee."
Belle and I turned to him."Dumbledore got a hold on these." Scrimigeour said, as he held out these necklaces.
Belle's necklace was shaped like a snowflake and the color of baby blue and mine was Ruby red.
Scrimigeour handed them to us.
"These are from your Mother. Before she passed away." he said.Belle looked at hers, and it was the shape of a snowflake with blue jewels.
And I looked at mine as well.Why would Dad hide these from us? I thought.
"These are very powerful necklaces. Made from your Mother." he said.
"We just wear these, right?" Belle asked."That, I don't know much. Your Father will tell you the rest." Scimigeour replied.
We both nodded."To Harry James Potter...I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts, as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill." He handed the Golden Snitch to him.
Once he grabbed it, Scrimigeour's face was blank."Is that it, then?" Harry asked.
"Not quite." replied Scrimigeour.
"Dumbledore left you a second bequest: The Sword of Godric Gryffindor."
We just stared at him."Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact, it belongs--" Hermione cut him off.
"To Harry." she said.
"It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he needed it in the Chamber of Secrets." Belle continued."The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Lee. That does not make it that wizard's property. And, in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown." Scrimigeour explained.
"Excuse me?" Harry asked, calmly."The sword is missing." Scrimigeour replied.
"How can it be missing?'' Erika asked.
Scrimigeour shrugged."I don't know what you're up to, Mr. Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong."
3rd Person's POV
"Dad, care to explain these?" Erika and Belle asked as they held out the necklaces.
Jimmy ribbed his neck and sighed."Guess it's time, huh?" he said.
"Appa." they both growled.Jimmy chuckled innocently.
"Okay, okay. I'll tell ya. Those necklaces are powerful, because your Mother and I made them." he said."When?" Belle asked.
"When I found out that your Mother was pregnant with you two. I was so glad to have twin daughters. By the time, we made those necklaces powerful, just to protect you. But, we accidentally overdose it." Jimmy said.
"Overdose, huh." Erika said, smiling. Belle arched her brows at her.
"Get it? It's an Overdose." Erika said.Belle glared at Erika, for joking around about EXO. (You get it, right? Overdose?)
"The necklaces kind of got too strong for you two when you two were born, so...that day, we gave it to Dumbledore to put in a secret place. Your Mother asked Dumbledore to give it to the both of you until your old enough to control it." Jimmy continued.
"So, it will..." Belle trailed off.
"Your powers will level up. Erika's powers is fire, so I think she'll get more enhanced. Your clothes will change though. As for Belle, her powers are way more different, since it's ice. Like your mother's." Jimmy added."Like I'll be changing clothes as well?" Belle asked.
Jimmy added."But, promise me, you two. Promise me that you'll keep these necklaces safe. Don't let them get into the wrong hands." he said.
Erika and Belle nodded."We'll keep it safe, Dad." they both said.

Never Thought I Would Fall For You PT 3 (A Hogwarts Love Story *FINAL*
FanfictionThis is the final adventure with the Lee Twins. EXO has joined to protect the Wizardry World and the Lee Clan. Erika decides to join with Harry to finish what Dumbledore had started. While Belle was forced to fight the one and only...Draco Malfoy. ...