~3rd Person's POV~
It was early in the morning, EXO are getting ready to find the cure for Belle. They wake Erika as well.They're going to find the cure while Belle's still asleep.
"Come on guys. Lets go find that flower!" Sehun exclaimed and ran off.
His Hyungs chuckled at him. Baekhyun looked at Erika, who was giggling.
"So, where's Harry anyway?" Baekhyun asked.
"Well, I told him the path to take." Erika replied."Well, doesn't take me this long to get here...without magic." Baekhyun said.
"Maybe he's running late." Suho said.
"Maybe he---" then someone apparated there."Sorry, I'm late! Woke up too late!"
It was Harry.
"No, you're in time Harry." Kris said.
Harry smiled.
"Now, lets get started." Chanyeol said.
Then two more apparated there.
"We like to help as well."Erika turned around and saw...
"Hey!" Ron said.
"Good! The more people we get, the faster we get that flower." Xiumin said.
Hermione and Ron nodded.
"Come on, lets go before Sehun goes crazy." Kai saidErika laughed and they all walked out, but she noticed that her Dad wasn't there.
"Oppa, Where's my Dad?" She asked.
"He woke up before us, so he didn't tell us the details where he was going." Chen replied."Oh, I see." Erika uttered.
"Must be important, though." Chen added.~Malfoy Manor~
There was a knock on the door and Narcissa was the one who opened it. To her surprise, it was..."Jimmy?"
He smiled and did a peace sign.
Narcissa laughed.
"It's been a long time that we haven't seen eac other.""Yes, it has." Jimmy said, chuckling.
"Well, come on in." Narcissa said."Thanks." Jimmy walked in the Manor.
"I'll go get you some tea." Narcissa suggested."No, thank you. I'm actually here to talk to you and Lucius." Jimmy said.
"O-Oh, Lucius is in the living room. Then well talk." Narcissa said.
Jimmy nodded and followed. Once they got to the living room, Lucius noticed him.
"Narcissa, I told you he's not aloud in this house." Lucius said.
"Lucius, be nice to our guest." Narcissa said.
"GUEST?!" Lucius snapped.Jimmy just chuckled.
"You're never nice to anyone, Lucius."Lucius growled.
"Anyway, I'm not here to have a fight with you. I'm here to talk." Jimmy said.
Lucius turned to him to continue.
"It's about your son and my daughters relationship." Jimmy said."I'm going to say this again. I don't approve of them of being together!" Lucius exclaimed.
"Lucius, why don't you approve?" Narcissa asked.
"Because... *points at Jimmy* I don't accept half-breeds like him!" Lucius replied.

Never Thought I Would Fall For You PT 3 (A Hogwarts Love Story *FINAL*
FanficThis is the final adventure with the Lee Twins. EXO has joined to protect the Wizardry World and the Lee Clan. Erika decides to join with Harry to finish what Dumbledore had started. While Belle was forced to fight the one and only...Draco Malfoy. ...