Chapter 4 - We've Been Betrayed?!

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Erika's POV
I was flying alone. To be honest it was kind of scary.
It was so dark as everyone just scattered.

It was peaceful at first, but then, I heard...

"Which one are you, Potter?!"

They're here already? I thought.
One came at me and send me a spell, but it missed me.

"Stupefy!" My spell hit the Death Eater.
I watched him fall to his death.

I heard another spell as well.

That was close. I thought.

I raised my hand as fire came upon my palm.
"Dragon Flames!" I send fire to my opponent.

The flame turned into a dragon figure as it roared. The flames burned the Death Eater along with its broom.
Harry's POV
Hagrid and I were at a field.
That was a tough trip. I thought.

As we came to the Weasley's house, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny came out.
"Harry. Hagrid. What happened? Where are the others?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Is no one else back?" I asked.
"They were on us tight from the start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance." said Hagrid.

"Well, thank goodness you two are all right." said Mrs. Weasley.

"The Death Eaters were waiting for us. It was an ambush." Hagrid said to Mrs. Weasley.

I walked up to Ginny and she gave me a hug. I hugged back. We pulled back and she said, "Ron and Tonks should've already been back. Dad and Fred as well."

I was about to say something else until...Flash

"Here!" It was Lupin, carrying the other Harry.
"Quick. Into the house." I ran over to them and helped them out.
The transformation wear off.

It was George.

"Oh, my boy." Mrs. Weasley saw as we laid George down on the couch.
Then suddenly, Lupin grabbed my collar and shoved me into the wall.

"Lupin!" Hagrid shouted.

"What are you doing?" Ginny was cut off.
"Shh." Lupin shushed Ginny and then turned to me.

"What creature sat in the corner...the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?" he asked.

"Are you mad?!" I exclaimed.
"What creature?!" he yelled.

"A Grindylow." I answered quickly.
Lupin sighed and let me go.

"We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter." Lupin explained.
I nodded, understanding.

Then there was another sound outside. Lupin went outside and I followed him.

It was Kingsely and Hermione.
I was about to go up to Hermione, but Lupin said, "Wait."

They held out their wands up at each other.

"The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?" Kingsley asked.

"Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him." Lupin replied.
Kingsley lowered his wand and looked at me.

"What gave you away?" he asked.

"Hedwig, I think. She was trying to protect me." I replied.
Then another sound came. Bill and Fleur. Then Tonks and Ron.
Hermione went to Ron and hugged him.

"He deserves that. Brilliant, he was." said Tonks.
"I wouldn't be standing here without him." she added as she hugged Lupin.

"Really?" asked Hermione.
"Always the tone of surprise." Ron said.

I quickly ran up to them and hugged them. Thank goodness they're alright.
Then Fred and Mr. Weasley came.

"Are we the last back?" asked Mr. Weasley.
"Where's George?" No one answered.

So Fred and Mr. Weasley went inside.

Until another sound came.
Erika's POV
After fighting, the last Death Eater. I apparated to the Burrow.
As I got there, I saw Harry.
I was about to jump into his arms, but Kingsley and Remus pointed their wands at me.

I was so confused, so I held my hands up, in surrender.

"What was Erika's Patronus?" Remus asked me.
"Mwoh? What's this about?" I asked back.

"Answer the question!" he shouted.
"A doe." I quickly answered.

"It's Erika alright." Kingsely said.

Harry and I made eye contact. So we ran into each other's arms.
"Thank god, you're alright." he said.

"I am. I told you I would be fine." I said.
Harry hugged me tighter and kissed my temples.

I felt sparks, but this isn't the best time for it.

Harry and I pulled back and walked into the house. I noticed George was injured.
I covered my mouth in shock.

"How you feeling, Georgie?" asked Fred.
"Saint-like." George replied.
"Come again?" said Fred.

"Saint-like. I'm holey. I'm holey, Fred. Get it?" said George as he pointed his ear.
Fred smiled, amused.

"The whole wide-world of ear-related humor and you go for "I'm holey." That's pathetic." said Fred.

"Reckon I'm still better-looking than you." said George. We smiled at the twins.
Then....Bill came in. With a sad look.

"Mad-Eye's dead." he said.

I was in shock, Mad-Eye Moody is...Dead?
"Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and Disapparated." he continued.

I balled my fist, making my knuckles white. And I think Harry noticed, because he held my hand. Making me calm down for a bit.
"The coast is clear. Let's go find his body." Remus suggested.
As the Lee Clan went underground, some of them were injured. The most injured was...DO.
"Yah! Kyungsoo, hang in there." Chen said.

DO winced as he held his wound.
"Let me see." Lay said.

Lay helped DO removed his hand. He was bleeding.
"It's not deep as I thought." Lay said.

He hovered his hands over DO's stomach and started healing him.

As for Belle, she was putting ointment on Kai's lips. (That's was suppose to be my job XD)
Kai weakly winced as Belle put on some ointment.

"Sorry." she said.
Kai shook his head. "It's okay."

Belle did a few dabs and she was done.
"There, that cut will heal in a few days." she said.

"Thanks." he said.

Belle half smiled and got up.
"Belle." Kai said.

Belle turned to him. "Ne?"
"Erika told us about your relationship with Malfoy." Kai replied.

Belle gulped and turned back, not making eye contact.
"The other members and I understand your feelings between him, and...." Kai trailed off.

I'm so getting yelled at. Belle thought.

"We approve." Kai said.
"Eh?" Belle blurt it out.

Kai smirked.
"EXO approves you and Malfoy together. We can see the love between you." he said.

Belle looked down, feeling a little blush on her cheeks.
"But if he breaks you heart...I'll teach him a few lessons." Kai added.

Belle giggled at that.
"Be my guest." with that, she left to help the others.

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