Chapter 40 - Harry's Proposal

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~3rd Person's POV~
"Push Unnie! Push!!" Erika and Belle are with Ga-Young, Chanyeol's wife.

She's in labor right now. And it's a good thing, Erika and Belle secretly studied about pregnancy situations.

"We need to cover her." Belle said.
"Got it." Erika grabbed the blanket and covered her.

"Keep pushing, Unnie." Belle said.
Chanyeol is with his members, outside of the room. Chanyeol was pacing back and forth, like a crazy man.

"Ahhh!" He heard his wife's voice.
"Aish! That's it! I need to go in there!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

He was about to but Baekhyun and Chen stopped him.

"Chanyeol, boys like us are not allowed to be in there." Baekhyun said.
"But she needs me." Chanyeol said.

"I know. But put your trust on Erika and Belle." Chen said.

Chanyeol sighed and nodded.

"One more push!" Belle said.

Ga-Young pushed and pushed.

"I see the head! Unnie, one last push!" Belle said, as Erika whipped all the sweats.

Ga-Young grabbed the pillow and gripped it tight.

Few seconds later....Chanyeol heard a crying baby.
"The baby is here!" Chen exclaimed.

Belle and Erika cleaned the baby and wrapped the baby into a warm blanket. Belle then gave the baby to Ga-Young.
"Unnie, you got a boy. Congrats." Belle said.

Ga-Young cried out of happiness.
"I'll go get Oppa." Erika said, walking out of the room.

Belle smiled and sat down with Ga-Young.
"So, what are you going to name him?" she asked.

Ga-Young giggled.
"Park Cheol-min."

"Oh? No English name?" Belle asked.
"I was thinking of that. about....Matthew Park?" Ga-Young asked.

Belle smiled and nodded.

"Sounds good." Chanyeol walked in with a smile on his face.

He walked up to the bed and saw his son.
Ga-Young gave his son to him.

"Park Cheol-min. Welcome to the family." Chanyeol said.

Belle smiled at the couple who are now parents. She quietly walked out of the room, giving them alone time.
"So, Chanyeol got a son? Wow." Baekhyun said.

Erika chuckled. "Someone's jealous."
"Am not!" Baekhyun said.

"Anyway, Erika. Harry's here. He says he's outside." Xiumin said.
"Eh? Jinja?" Erika asked.
"Ne. He came here a while ago." Xiumin replied.

Erika didn't reply, but she walked towards the exit.

As Belle came out of the room, she didn't see Erika.
"Where did Erika go?" she asked.
"Outside. She might with Harry now." Kris replied.

"Oh? Wonder what's about?" Belle asked again.
"Might be a proposal." Luhan replied.

"How do you know that, Luhan?" DO asked.
"Remember..." Luhan pointed at his head.

"I have the power of mind reading." he replied.

Erika's POV
I ran outside and didn't see him. Seriously, why all of a sudden?

I looked around and finally saw Harry, mumbling about something.

"Harry?" I asked, arching my brows.
He quickly turned around and faced me.

"O-oh, hi....Erika." he stuttered.
I walked up to him, a little confused.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah, everything is fine." he replied.

I arched my brow again. He never act like this before.
"You sure? I mean, you just came here instantly, without letting me know." I said.

Harry gulped as he rubbed his neck.
"W-Well, I want to surprise you." he said, stuttering.

I sighed at this.
"Just tell me already."

"You'll get mad at me." he mumbled.
"Just say it, Harry. Or else, I'll just walk back inside." I said.

"Marry me!"

"That's it, I'm going back---wait...What?!" I exclaimed.

Did I hear it right? I thought.

Harry sighed and suddenly got down on one knee.


"Erika, through the years...we've been friends since the beginning. But now, we're grown up. The feelings between us has become strong. And I'm sorry, for not noticing it. The love you gave me was precious. So, Erika..." he suddenly pulled out a red velvet box.

Then he opened it, showing the .

OMO!!!! I thought.

~3rd person's POV~
EXO and Belle saw Harry on his knees, holding a red velvet box.

"Will you marry me, Erika Lee?" Harry asked.

Erika smiled as tears came down to her cheeks.
"Yes!'' Erika replied.

Harry grinned happily. He took the ring out of the box and slid it into Erika's ring finger.
He then got up and leaned onto her forehead.

"I love you." Harry whispered. Erika felt his hot breath on her lips.
"I love you too."

They leaned in for a kiss and their lips touched.

"I KNEW IT!!!" Luhan exclaimed as the others fell.

Erika and Harry quickly pulled away.

"Yah! Luhan, you blew our cover!" DO snapped. (Santsoo has begun, if you get it XD)
Luhan gulped.

"Sorry. But I knew its going to happen." he said, getting up.
"You knew all this time? And you saw the scene earlier?" Erika asked.

"Luhan knew what was Harry doing here, because he can read minds and....yes. We saw the WHOLE thing." Kai replied, dusting himself up.
Erika blushed at that.

Belle giggled. "Congrats Erika."

Erika smiled at that as Harry wrapped his arms around her.
Jimmy was in his office and of course, he saw the scene as well. He smiled and went back to his work.

"Come on, Let's give them some time alone." Baekhyun said.

Everyone nodded and walked away.

But as for Belle, she glanced at Erika and Harry, smiling at each other. All of a sudden...she suddenly saw herself and Draco, being together again.

She shook her head and walked back.

~Malfoy Manor~
Draco was sitting in his room, thinking why he must marry Astoria. He then sighed and stood up.
He really misses Belle so much. So, he went to his desk and pulled out a picture of her.

He walked back to his bed and lied down with the picture on his hand. He looked at picture and he really miss that smile on her face.

He brought the picture closer to him and slept with it. With a fallen tear on his cheek.

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