Erika's POV
We're on the move again. We have to keep going before the death eaters will attack again. Ron's arm is still healing.And as we walk, My legs felt a little weak. But I have to endure it. Today Ron had the necklace and I saw his glare.
Hermione and Harry went in front of us. Hermione handed a water bottle to Harry. I was kind of jealous there, but why?
Hermione's my friend. And I shouldn't be jealous.
I walked up to Ron who still have the glare.
"Ron." I called him.
His glance turned to me.
"It's my turn." I said.
He sighed and took it off. Then he handed to me.
With that, he walked off, following Hermione and Harry.I sighed and looked at the necklace in my hand. It's like whispering
Its like the same thing that happened in my second year, when the Chamber Of Secrets was opened.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
We decided to camp out for the night, Ron has been very quiet. Harry has been thinking in his own world. While Hermione was making a fire camp, for keeping us warm.It was already dark and it was my turn to keep watch. I still have the Horcrux on me. I pulled it out and glanced at it.
Erika Lee
its like his voice trying to haunt me.
No, I won't let it happen again. Not like last time. I thought.
I turned around and it was Ron. He gave me a weak smile and sat by me.
"It's my turn." He said.
I nodded and gave it to him.
"Erika, can I ask you something?" Ron asked.
"Sure." I replied.
"The other you think...." He trailed off, but I k ow what's he talking about."I don't really know. They were standing there together that night. But I don't think it's our problem." I said.
"Well, I saw them. Harry was saying Hermione's perfume smells good." Ron said.I can tell that he's jealous, and I am too.
"Lets not talk about it." I said.He nodded and he was about to leave.
"Be careful with it, Ron. Don't let it control over you." I said"Yeah." With that said, he left.
I sighed and turned back to my spot. Making sure we're not spotted.Harry POV
Hermione carefully cut my hair and then she stopped."Oh, my god."
"What?" I asked, freaking out if she messed up my hair."I'll tell you in a minute." she said.
"Maybe you could tell me now." I said walking up to her."The Sword of Gryffindor, it's goblin - made." said Hermione.
"Brilliant." I said.Then she looked at me.
"No, you don't understand. Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade." Hermione showed me her book."It only takes in that which makes it stronger." she added.
"Okay." I said, confused.
"Harry, you've already destroyed one Horcrux, right? Tom Riddle's Diary in the Chamber of Secrets." said Hermione."With a Basilisk fang. If you tell me you've got one of that bloody beaded bag of yours..." I said.
"Don't you see? In the Chamber of Secrets, you stabbed the Basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. It's blade is impregnated with Basilisk venom." said Hermione.

Never Thought I Would Fall For You PT 3 (A Hogwarts Love Story *FINAL*
FanfictionThis is the final adventure with the Lee Twins. EXO has joined to protect the Wizardry World and the Lee Clan. Erika decides to join with Harry to finish what Dumbledore had started. While Belle was forced to fight the one and only...Draco Malfoy. ...