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This is just a little background information that explains the relationship between the two main supernatural creatures, not a traditional prologue :)

Have you ever wondered why it is that a dog would chase a cat, that a cat would swipe at a dog out of sheer attitude towards the contrasting species. Well that's because they're contrasting species.

In the supernatural world that has been kept hidden under the veil of the urban societies that are dominated by Homosapians, there is a cat and a dog species who live by the same notions as your average household pets.

Werewolves and Werecats were subjected to segregation from the great awakening due to their contrasting views and values. The wolves reigned supreme over the moon, the feline enemy reigned over the sun, and although they shared the same predators amongst the supernatural world they refused to ever align side by side for the better of their communities.

The woman looked up from the large book that was planted in her lap as she took a moment to fawn over the small faces of the children who sat before her, their eager expressions to hear more of the story brightened her smile. The High Priestess always enjoyed telling stories of other species to the young children of the coven, the future witches and wizards of the supernatural world sat before her to learn knowledge of the allying species that walked the world with them.

The High Priestess cleared her throat and began reading once more.

However, this resentment for one another was the cause of the great war that wrecked havoc long before the human race had progressed far enough to be viewed as a threat to our kind, the great war of which was started by these two species in a bid to determine who of two shape shifting mammals were better in comparison.

"Who won?" Asked a small boy to the left of the group, The High Priestess looked up her book and cocked and eyebrow in amusement. "We're getting to that." She teased.

They wanted to gain control over one another, one species ruled with an iron fist and spread fear into the hearts of those who threatened the safety of their people, the other was more kind-hearted and resorted to the use of allying with those who had the upper hand, they thought that peace was power and that power could be shared. Unfortunately, there was no real winner in this war, the two species were slowly killing off each other entirely and disrupting the peace of the other supernatural species of our world, the Divine Coven had to step in and put an end this altercation once and for all, forcing the two clan leaders to sign a peace treaty, all without losing a few lives of their own along the way.

The High Priestess trailed off as she slowly closed the book in her lap. "Without the brave Witches and Wizards who lost their lives to put an end to a war that could have threatened the livelihood of all supernatural species, none of us would be sitting here today. We mourn them to this day for their sacrifice, they are the heroes of our people, idols that i want each and every one of your to look up to some day."

"Did you know these heroes Miss Priestess?" A young girl asked. The High Priestess ignored the fact she had been called by the wrong name and instead gave the young witch a generous smile. "This happened a very long time ago, I was younger than you little witch. They are as much my heroes as they are yours."

The room fell silent as the group of young children thought about their lost brothers and sister who had saved the lives of others in a war that wasn't their own.

"Werewolves and Werecats are still enemies to this day, and unless the rules of the treaty is ever broken, they will remain fragile and unwilling allies for the sake of the entire supernatural world." She concluded.

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