1 - Meeting The Family

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(Been proofread)

I staggered up the twisted staircase that ascended from the first floor up to the second, where the only room that is accounted for on the entire level was that of my father's office, situated behind two large double doors that were etched in engravings.

I was late again, much to my parents disappointment from the last occasion my father called the entire family for a meeting, ironically of which I happened to have been the topic for. This time the topic was kept secret, probably in an attempt by my father to have me show up on time, the guilt gripped at me.

As I ascended the last step I rushed to the double doors and pushed them both open at the same time with all my strength, only slowing my pace once I was out of the way of the swinging doors slamming shit behind me.

"You're late." Was all my father said as I met with four other pairs of eyes.

Aside from my father sitting behind his large desk, my mother and older sister sat on the two chairs to his right, emphasising their importance next to him, with my twin brothers on the couch against the wall adjacent to the bookcase on the other side.

I was the youngest in the family, the kitten, as they would call me. It was a low blow to my ego considering I was also an adult. For us felines being called kitten was like calling a grown man kid, it was demeaning and rude.

"Yeah sorry about that but I had to run all the way from school because Mika said she was too busy to pick me up." I excused, my eyes darting briefly over to my sister who sat there was a smug look on her face, clearly she hadn't been too busy to give me a ride home. "Speaking of which I think it's about time I get my own c-"

"Enough." My father interrupted as he pinched the bridge of his nose, I pursed my lips and leant back against the double doors. "This meeting isn't about you."

"Dear, come take a seat." My mother cooed as she gestured to the arm chair next to my brothers, I stayed in my place. My mother was a gentle woman, generous but strong like a lioness should be, it's a wonder how my father fell into power with such a short temper. My father was the first male leader of our pride, as traditionally the position was more suited to the Sol, the leading female Werecat, meaning my mother. But much to my fathers dismay, it was expected of him to hand down his reign to my sister when his time is up, bringing back tradition to our pride and normality to our lives.

My father wasn't a bad leader, he just didn't fit the role and it made our people indifferent, they respected him as my mother's mate, but didn't share the same loyalty to him as a leader as they would have for my mother.

"I called this family meeting to discuss the arrangements for the following two weeks, as you might or might not have heard," My father glanced directly at me. "I have been called to attend a dinner held by the High Priestess of The Divine Coven, as have all the other leaders of our world. This year she has allowed me to bring two people to accompany me on this trip and I think we all know who I have chosen." He paused, this stirred me the wrong away.

"Why can't we all go? We're a family and an important one at that." I argued, the accusing tone in my voice didn't go unnoticed by my mother as she glared at me.

"Madeline, if we all go there it will be disrespectful to the High Priestess' wishes, it's amazing that she has allowed for two to accompany." She shot back, although her tone sounded as though she was calm and collected I knew she was annoyed at my challenging opinions.

"Why call a meeting just to tell me and the boys that you three," I gestured my pointer finger amongst my mother, sister and father. "Will be going to dine at The Divine Coven without us, it's a little disappointing that we won't be included. We get it, Mika is the favourite."

"Mika is not the favourite-" my mother interjected before she was cut off by my sister's chortle. "Give me a break Madi, I didn't choose to be the next Sol." She spat.

I balled my hands into fists. "But you are, and regardless of how much of a conniving bitch you are you'll always be the one who gets to have the best relationship with mum and dad."

"That's enough!" My father snarled as he slammed his hand onto the surface of his desk, this commanded the attention of everyone in the room, including my brothers who had been snickering to themselves the entire time. My father sighed and took off his glasses, the defeated demeanour in his posture spoke loud enough for us to know he was tired of our bickering. "Madeline, as outspoken as you are you need to let people explain before you interject and stir trouble. Yes, your sister will be joining me on this trip," I didn't miss the look of smugness my sister shot me as he made the decision official for us all to hear. "But your mother and I have decided that you will also be coming with us." He finished.

I felt the smile grow within a second, I was being given the opportunity to not only aid my father with his leadership business but I was also going to travel to The Divine Coven of all places.

The Divine Coven was home to the imperial academy of Wizardry, unless they strayed to live a life among the humans or worked alongside another species as an aid, they all resided within this one coven. I'd never met a witch, or a wizard, but the idea of possibly witnessing magic happen right before my eyes was something I couldn't contain myself from squealing over.

"This is complete nonsense, father you know she's just going to embarrass the family." Mika argued, I stuck out my tongue in mockery of her behaviour.

My mother swatted my sister's leg. "We thought this would be not only a good opportunity for you to be included in the family's role in our society but we decided it would be best if I stayed back to hold up the fort while your father is away. It's not like other trips where we would be gone and back in only a couple days, you'll be gone for two weeks." My mother explained, I nodded eagerly as I failed to contain my excitement. I have only left the pride once on a field trip to the next clan, we visited the hospital in the vampire clan when we were studying blood works at school a few years back. I shuddered at the memory of witnessing the blood being drank but those vampires, I could taste the metallic overtone in my mouth just thinking about it.

"But you have to be on your best behaviour. No arguments, no outbursts, no controversial topics. None of that 'fairies are people too' crap that you go on about." My father listed off, I nodded at each one knowing they were the conditions for me to attend the trip.

"When do we leave?" I asked, the smile still stretched high around my face.

"Tomorrow night, that way we can sleep during the flight and be well rested when we land in the morning."

I reached behind my body for the door handle, ready to open it and make my exit. "Okay well I'm going to go pack then, are we dismissed?"

My father sighed. "Yes, you are all dismissed."


Hauling my suitcase into the car proved to be a tougher job than I expected. We all packed two each to hold enough clothes necessary for the trip, including smaller items such as toiletries and shoes, etcetera.

"Darren go easy on Madeline, all she wants is to feel needed in this family. Her brothers have each other and you can't pretend that you don't favouritise Mika as your heir." I overheard my mother speak as they stood by the front door, my father kissed her on the forehead and nodded. "I'll try. I just don't think Madeline is really suited for this kind of responsibility, she's too-"

"Childish?" My sister interjected and she passed them with the last suitcase, I rolled my eyes.

They didn't speak after that, instead my father planted a light kiss on my mother's lips and walked towards the car. Our eyes met and looked away, he didn't need to know I was listening in.

We got into the car and as usual, my sister got to ride shotgun next to my father and I was stuck in the back seat with two suitcases filling the other seats, leaving no room for me to stretch out on the drive to the the pride's helicopter. It was only used by my father for his trips as it was safer than going on a plane with humans.

My mother called out to us as my father started the engine. "Stay safe you guys, I'll miss you." I blew a kiss as my father began to drive away from the house, she pretended to catch it in her hand and kissed her knuckle, I giggled.

Sorry that it's a little short, there wasn't much else I could write without making the chapter too long or leaving it as an awkward cliffhanger. Do you like it so far?

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