10 - Coming Home

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I awoke harshly as the sound of something slamming against my door echoed in the room, ripping me away from my sleep. I was about to sit up when another arm that was not my own shot out in front of me, not wanting me to get up out of bed.

I followed the arm to the large torso of my mate, who had already risen up out of bed and was stanced warily on his knees next to me, eyes and ears trained on my bedroom door of Cressida's house.

"Madeline? Are you decent? Calla wanted me to come wake you." I heard the voice of Elowen call out from behind the door. Demetrius retraced his arm and crawled off my bed, finding his garments on the floor.

I'd forgotten Demetrius had crashed in my bed last night.

After my underwear incident he tried to fire up the mood once again but I wasn't having any of it. Instead we laid in my bed and watched a movie on the television that had been provided on the dresser, I'd fallen alseep long before the movie ended, that was why I didn't remember Demetrius ever leaving.

"Sorry I just woke up." I called back.

There was a long pause and I half expected Elowen to have left, turning my vision over to the werewolf standing at the foot of my bed, catching him as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Is Alpha Renwick in there with you?" I heard her call once more, I winced under the high pitch of her voice startling me. "Because I can come back later." She added.

Instead of answering, I watched as Demetrius walked calmly towards the door, opening it enough for me to see her face. She smiled brightly at Demetrius. "Give her 10 minutes and she'll be down with her things." He greeted her, she simply nodded and turned on her heel and walked away.

"Next time you want to sleep over, ask." I deadpanned, he smiled at me in response as his eyes gazed over me sitting up in bed. "It didn't seem to be an issue when you clung to me in the middle of the night." He teased.

I gasped and reached for my pillow, but he exited my room and shut the door behind him by the time the pillow reached its destination in the air, hitting my door with a loud thud sound as the hinges bashed together.

Today is the day we all travelled to the werecat territory, my father's pride, my home. I was anxious to say the least, no only was I returning back to the comfort of my own home and bed after all that had transpired the last few days, Demetrius was joining me.

Would I have to tell my mother? Would Demetrius stay in our house?

I shook my head, those thought were ridiculous, there was no way father would allow the werewolf alpha in our home, mate or not. Knowing father he'll have Demetrius accommodated furthest from our home.

Our climate in our clan was always warm and sunny, only threatening a downpour after dark when the moon came out, we never had to stress over snow or significant fluctuations in the temperature throughout the year, we thrived in the heat, but I wasn't so sure the other leader's could too.

As Demetrius promised, I was dragging my two suitcases down the staircase within enough time to watch as the other clambered in and out of the entry way doors with their own belongings.

I'd only changed into sweatpants and a cropped shirt, preparing myself for the climate to change as we cross the boarder. It was a smart decision on my part.

Scanning my eyes across the room I caught sight of my father speaking quietly with Calla, my sister hauling the last of father's belongings out the front door, Zaros propping up an umbrella for Mavis, and then my eyes fell on Elowen, who's hand rested comfortably on Demetrius' forearm as she giggled.

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