11 - Red Wine

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I didn't expect my mother's calm composure towards the situation. She hadn't denied it like my father did, like I did initially. My mother wasn't discriminatory, unlike my father. This often confused me as to why they decided to pick each other to bond to, they were so different from one another. Much like Demetrius and I.

Unfortunately, I still wasn't allowed at the event being held at the towns centre for our guests and was instead escorted back home by one of the guards. Mika of course was granted the opportunity to attend, as always.

But when I entered my home I had been enveloped in a tight pair of arms, make that two actually.

My brothers, Michael and Mitchell were also home during the event and instead greeted me alone when I got there. My twin brothers were just like any other twin set, there was a bad one and a badder one.

But it didn't make me feel much better as now I sat in my room with my suitcases open on the floor, putting away my garments one by one for the trip of a lifetime that ended too soon, and I wondered if Demetrius was feeling as low as I did right now.

He was there at the event, basking in conversation and food, provided by my people, and I wasn't even there to be with him. No doubt my mother would have spoken to him the first chance she got, give him that little pep talk parents do when their daughter starts dating. I guess that's what you would call it, dating?

This was unknown territory for every single guest we had at the moment, but Demetrius specifically was not a guest that was welcome here. I wasn't stupid, I knew my people would not accept the idea that there was a werewolf on their land, regardless of how kind natured we were, they were still hostile allies.

I wondered how the pride would react to know the true relationship between Demetrius and I, would they be as understanding as my mother?

I shook my head, pulling myself out of my daze on my knees in front of my suitcase as my stomach tumbled furiously, remembering only then I hadn't had a meal today. Mika got it so lucky being allowed at the dinner tonight, and I wondered if the boys had already eaten.

"Michael! Mitchell!" I called as I got up from the floor and stomped out of my room, where were they? I hadn't seen them since I got home when they met me in the foyer to give me a hug.

I still didn't received a response from either of them as I descended down the hallway upstairs from my room, looking down the banister at the foyer in hopes I would catch them following my voice up the stairs. "Boys?" I called.


I huffed, finally making my way down the staircase into the foyer. "I swear, if this is one of your stupid pranks-" I didn't get to finish as I watched my two older brothers come walking out of the living room arch way, sluggishly with their brows furrowed together in annoyance. "Can you shut up?" Michael groaned as he rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light in the foyer, which contrasted with the darkness that poured from the living room.

"Why didn't you two answer me?" I asked, stopping to stand in front of them as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Emily came over so we decided to watch a movie, we must have fallen asleep." Mitchell interjected, adjusting his shirt so that it sat properly against his body.

Emily was Michael's girlfriend, and any free time she had outside of her job at the nursery she spent here, with my brothers.

It's not like she couldn't tell them apart either, Michael was a sports guy, always working out and wearing sporting merch, his favourite of which was a human ball cap for one of their baseball teams, I didn't understand it. Mitchell on the other hand was more reserved, committed to his studies and attire, always dressing in ironed out shirts and fitted jeans, his hair tied back out of his face and his glasses that cost him a few hundred dollars. I didn't know what Emily saw in Michael, she was more fitted to Mitchell in the sense that her dress code consisted of name-brands and expensive jewellery, that was probably why they got along so well.

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