17 - A land of No King

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Madeline's POV

Three days.

It had been three days since the attack, since my sister disappeared, since my father died.

I still hadn't seen Ayla, mother had me situated in the guest bedroom of the house, since mine was still damaged from the serpents. But my mother assured me that Ayla had made it to the hospital and that I could see her as soon as we hear word from Calla and the others posted outside the Serpent Kingdom.

And that leaves me to the whereabouts of Demetrius, I had barely seen him since my outburst in my bedroom the night of the memorial, I knew he hadn't of left to go home because I could still smell him lingering in the halls as though I'd just missed him.

The memorial however, it was beautiful. Our people hold funerals by placing an array of sunflowers of the tombstone the deceased lay on, the more flowers indicate the amount of love that was uniquely shared amongst people the deceased knew. My father was shrouded with so many sunflowers by those of our pride that could make it to the ceremony. Many of my people have spent the last few days either in the hospital or their own beds.

I do not know what happened to our deceased once we lay the flowers and wait for sunrise, but by the time the sun has risen and we arrive at their resting place, it is gone.

Deep down I think the elders take them away while no one is around and bury them peacefully somewhere but no one has ever really talked about it.

We didn't hold a ceremony for Mika, my mother believes strongly that my sister is still out there somewhere, most likely taken prisoner by the serpent warriors that attacked us.

She was on the front line with my father and Demetrius. Yet, only Demetrius came back. Could he have....No! Shut up Madeline, don't be stupid.

Demetrius would never do something like that, he would never murder my own family.

I'll take pleasure in doing what my ancestors couldn't do in the war. Kill your Alpha.

An audible gasp slipped from my lips as the memory came back to me. Demetrius had already told me his intentions and I just threw caution to the wind like it didn't matter. He was going to do it anyway, was it Demetrius who stabbed my father with the spear?

I could believe my own head.

Trying to shake myself out of my own thoughts I stood up from my bed and did a few hops, shaking my hands slightly as that would help. He wouldn't hurt me like that, he wouldn't.

"Are you okay, Madi?" I heard my mother ask and I quickly span around to see her standing just next to the doorframe. "It's getting late and I know it might not seem like it, but you do have school tomorrow." He added.

I visibly relaxed and sat back down on my bed. "I don't think I can go to school with everything that's going on right now. Ayla's in the hospital, Mika is missing, the Serpent Kingdom declared war on us and dad isn't here to rationalise everything!" I exclaimed.

My mother gave me a curt grin and joined me at the edge of my bed. "Your father was not the most rational man." She teased, trying to incite a giggle from me, it didn't work.

"I understand how you're feeling, Madeline. But, if it is any consolation. There is still hope. I know your sister is out there somewhere, Ayla made it to the hospital in time, your dad died in battle but at-least he died in battle..." She began to trail off, she turned away from me to look at her feet, a detested expression on her face. "It is the most honourable way." She finished, quieter than she was before.

She stood up and walked away back towards the bedroom door, she looked back at me and wiped away a single tear.

"When you go to school tomorrow, I want you walk in there with your head up high. Not for your father or your sister, but for yourself."

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