A Cheeky Grin

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Joe looked at me suspiciously but I quickly changed the topic. I promised Alfie I wouldn't tell anyone our secret but it was hard keeping it from my own brother. Later that day I left joes and headed home to see Alfie and of course nala. Even thinking about Alfie turned me on his messy hair, his perfect face I couldn't wait to get home.
I had done everything I needed to get done today and now all that was left was to wait for zoë to come home. she seemed to be taking forever to get home so I started to look through edits made on YouTube about Zalfie. the edits were so sweet but they made me miss Zoë even though she hadn't been gone for long. I put my laptop down just as she walked in the door. Nala ran towards he like a bullet.
"I've missed you little one" I said while hugging her tightly.
She smiled at me before going off to shower. we spend most of the night after that watching old videos on YouTube.
I loved nights like this, cuddled up in the couch,having quality times with Alfie. I got a bit tired and decided it was time to go to bed. I left Alfie will I went to get changed. when I got to the bedroom I closed the door and started to undress. the house was silent, until the door opened. Alfie stood their looking at me completely naked. I but my lip and he gave me a cheeky grin before playfully pushing me into the bed.

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