Back To Normal

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Zoë and I spent some quality time together for a couple of days before going back to daily vlogging. it was hard enough for me going back to normal but it was 10x harder zoë. we spoke to her parents about her cuts and they were really supportive. we were going to tell her brother today. I was really worried about telling joe invade he hated me. I already hate myself enough for letting this happen to her, joe is my best friend I don't know what I'd do without him.
I answered the door and let joe in, since I had self harmed I'd been wearing a lot of jumpers and bracelets. Joe hugged me and then bro hugged Alfie. I was planning on filming a monthly haul video and Alfie was doing a collab with joe. it was really awkward and silent so I made and excuse to leave the room for a bit. I went to the bathroom and rolled up my sleeve. My cuts were really bad, I had done more and there were probably 20 really deep ones. I finally plucked up the courage to leave the bathroom and tell joe the truth.
everything was really awkward until Zoë left, I managed to start a conversation with Alfie and it escalated from there. we talked for about 10 minutes until Zoë came back through. she looked really depressed and fragile. I saw sadness in her eyes, this is what she used to be like before she started youtube. I stood up and hugged her, I say back down and she sat between my and Alfie, so close to him she was almost on his lap. she looked scared.
I put my hand on joes and stared into his eyes. tears started to fall from my eyes but I had to tell him
"I need to tell you something joe"
"Zo you can tell me anything"
"Since the video was posted I've been finding it hard to cope with stress and hate, things are starting to get better now but I was in a bad place. I could only speak to Alfie but I even struggled to do that. I did something I regret, please don't hate me"
My eyes filled with tears, as I gazed at my wrist.
"Why would I hate you zo" joe said softly
He saw me staring at my wrist and he rolled up my sleeve, his face dropped.
"Joe" I whispered
He didn't lift his head, a cold year landed on my wrist. I pulled my arm away as the salty water made it hurt.
"Alfie we need to talk" joe said in a stern voice
I followed joe into the kitchen leaving a heartbroken Zoë alone.
"I trusted you with my sister and this is what you do to her" he screamed at me.
"I tried joe, I tried to get through to her but what she needs is love and support."i said in a calm voice
"Love and support isn't going to make my sister better she needs help she's going mental, as long as she's with you I won't help her. he screamed
He grabbed his coat and stormed out I turned to find Zoë standing behind me she hugged me tight and whispered in my ear,
"I love you Alfie, I'm so glad I have you"

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