Long beach walks

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I didn't know what to say to Niomi so I just ran out, faster than I'd ever ran before. When I got home Marcus had left to pick us up and then drive himself and Niomi home. I had beaded tears running down my face and my hands wouldn't stop shaking. "Hello" alfie shouted as he walked round the corner. when he realised who it was he came running towards me and hugged me as tight as he could. "what's happened" he whispered softly into my ear. I glanced down at my wrists and he instantly knew.
I figured out that something must if happened with Niomi, but zoe was in no state to talk about it so I told her to go lie down. Then it came to me. the first date that u took zoe on was a long beach walk and a romantic picnic. I raced to the kitchen and started making a picnic. I went and woke Zoe up and told he I had a surprise. we jumped in the car and parked up at the beach front.
Alfie had taken me to the beach and the sun was setting it couldn't be more perfect it made me forget about all my worries. We walked from one end to the other and ten back to the middle where Alfie had set out the nicest picnic. it was great to have some alone time with him, as I looked in the picnic basket I saw a strange small box lying at the bottom...

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