The Question

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I didn't draw attention to the box, it was hard but I managed to contain my Excitement. We continued with out picnic my heart racing the whole time, I felt like I wanted to cry tears of happiness and give zalfie the biggest hug ever but I restrained.
We were coming to the end of the picnic and I had something that I wanted to give Zoe. I was really nervous about it because I didn't know if she would like it. She had been acting strange since the start of the picnic but hopefully this would make her happy. I reached into the basket and realised the edge of the box was on show the whole time. I quickly whipped out the box which contained an infinity chain that matched the ring I had recently bought myself.
"Zoe, I know things haven't been the best recently but hopefully this can be a new start" I told her.
Her eyes filled with tears as I handed her the box. when she opened it she looked slightly disappointed but also extremely happy. little did she know this was just the start.
the necklace Alfie had given me was really nice, I couldn't deny I was disappointed but maybe I had just jumped to conclusions. I smiled at Alfie and gave him a massive hug and we lay in the sand and watched the sun set my hand in his. The stars reminded me of Alfie eyes. we cuddled under the starts until Alfie started to sit up
"Zoe, I love you always remember that" he whispered as we walked towards the pier.
As we reached the end of the pier my heart started racing and I got really nervous. I lived Zoe more than anything and I was prepared to spend the rest of my life with her. we arrived at the barrier and stared into the starry night. in one quick motion I bent down onto one knee,
"Zoe Elizabeth Sugg, I have loved you since the moment I met you. you have turned my life around and made me the happiest person in the world. so will you do the honour and marry me"
Her eyes filled with tears as she managed to say yes through her happiness and as she did our friends and families came rushing out from behind stalls and congratulated us. I turned back to face Zoe placing the ring on her fragile fingers and kissed passionately on the lips. this was the best night ever.

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