Reunited Wtih Alfie

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I wiped up the blood that had dropped onto the floor and went to bed. My mind filled with thoughts of Alfie and I couldn't sleep, I eventually got to sleep but woke up again at 6am because of nala crying. I let nala outside and then jumped in the shower. as the beads of water hit my raw cuts I let out a high pitched cry. I spent most of the morning editing and thinking about what to say to Alfie when he came over later.
I grabbed my stuff said goodbye to my family before getting in the car and driving to go back to zoë. I hated being away from we but this is what she wanted to calm down. luckily most of the hate had stopped and people had moved on to the next viral video. I arrived outside zoë's at about 2pm. I knocked on her door and waited for an answer. eventually she came to the door, my eyes met with hers and before I could stop myself my lips were pressed against hers. We sat down on the sofa and got ready to film our video. as zoë went to put the camera in place her sleeve fell down revealing 5 deep cuts on her wrist. my eyes filled with tears and my heart ripped in 2.
I sat back down to see Alfie almost crying.
"What's up shmalf" I asked
"You wrist zo"
My face fell he must of seen what I had done.
"I don't know what to say alfie, I don't cope with stress and hate well"
He wiped away his tears and gave me a hug.
I'm here for you zo, I love you we will get through this together" he whispered

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