Chapter 5

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I just wanna say that this is not a serious story, I literally do this for a friend of mine and it's just a joke we have.

So the timeline from now on won't be the same as duplicity's timeline because 1. Chapter 88 is not out yet so we don't know what's gonna happen and 2. I don't think it's right to just go on and steal another person's entire timeline. It's already enough that I've based an entire fanfic on another fanfic.

I walk out of Niall's dressing room, very glad my work's over for tonight. All I need to do now is see them in their outfits and make sure they look good in them.

About 5 minutes pass and the boys are now standing in front of me and hear me when I say they look AMAZING.

Bravo Raf, you did a good job. You get a cookie tonight.

*After the concert*

It's now 11.30 at night and the concert was over. I'm supposed to meet Nova so we can go back to the hotel. Aven is hanging out with Harry I guess.

I'm in Louis' dressing room. Come over and then we can go.

Okay so I guess I'm going backstage.

I'm walking down the narrow hallway. Okay if this was a little darker, I would definitely be the dumb bitch in a horror movie.

Yeah, makes sense. You wouldn't call me a genius. This morning I wore my shirt backwards twice.

I kept walking until I was finally standing outside Louis' door. I was about to knock when I saw the door right next to me fly open and Niall coming out of it smirking.

I swear to God this is his only facial expression.

Wait someone's holding his hand. Is that a girl? Where the fuck did he find her?

They both step outside of the dressing room and I knock on Louis' door. I don't want the Irish dickhead to think I'm staring.

They both walk towards me until Niall tells the girl to walk without him for a bit and smacks her ass.

He's such a cliché.

He then walks up to me and gets close to my ear.

"I like you better, babe" he whispers and walks away with a dumb, cocky smile.

He's so... so... UGH!

He's an asshole. That's what he is. An asshole, and a dickhead and a player.

Fucking morron-

"Hey girl. Why are you all blushed?" Nova says as she opens the door.
"Let's go." I tell her.
"What happened?" She says, in worry.
"That Niall character. No. Nope. Such a fucking asshole." I can barely form sentences.
"Yeah, no shit. What did he do?" Nova asks me.
"He was walking out of his room with a girl" I start saying.
"Yeah, he does that after every concert. Why do you care though?"
"Let me finish. He literally came up to me and said he likes me better." I finally say.
"Yeah, he's gonna keep hitting on you until he starts hating you and calling you Thursday or somwthing."
"He's just so extra." I say.
"Look, don't worry about that dick. Let's just go to the hotel room and watch some tv over a glass of wine. After all, we should celebrate your first day at work."
"You're right. Let's get wine drunk and watch trash tv." I say in confidence.

We start walking to the building's exit where Nova's car is waiting for us.

It's a 20 minute drive to the hotel. During the ride we blast music and sing until our throats hurt. God we must be hot right now.

*writer nods no*

Okay so we're finally in my hotel room, wearing our pajamas holding a bottle of wine each.

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