Chapter 1

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The youtube video will help you understand what ringtone I'm talking about. I recommend you listen to it to get a better idea of Raf.

Raf King

Sometimes people have a rough start. For example, today I had to wake up before noon.

A tragedy, honestly.

And maybe I have some unique form stupidity to torchure myself as much as I do. Because of all the ringtones I could ever pick, I chose Jacob Sartorious saying "yeehaw" on repeat.

My sight still hazy from my 16-hour sleep. I try to figure out who on earth is calling me at 9 AM in the- WHAT. 9 AM? That's DAWN. I look at my phone and see a picture of Snoop Dog, edited to be white. Oh! It's Sal!

"Hello?" I say, but I sound like a transgender taxi driver.
"Please tell me you weren't sleeping" I hear Sal say as I try to cought quietly.
"I choose not to amswer this question" I say in full confidence.
He sighs.
"I'm just calling to say, remember that you owe me because of that time I payed for your 500 dollar damage in that candy shop?" He tells me in kind of a hurry.
"What about it?" Fun times, I remember.
"A crew member broke her leg so I need you to come work for me at the Dupliciry tour for the next 7 months. I know this is sudden but-"
"I'M PACKING MY STUFF" I say and I rush to my closet.
"That was easy. I'll send you the details on how you'll get to Vegas and I guess I'll see you when I see you. Goodbye, Raf."

And he hung up. Typical.

My studio apartment looks trashed but I don't even care because I'm moving out baby! I'm going on tour aroumd the entire fucking America.

Am I dreaming?

I pinched myself 3 times and I am awake! Time to pack. Okay what do I have that says I'm 19 and ready to rule the universe?

Nothing. I own nothing that says that.

We'll just have to settle for what we have, I guess.

* 2 long, exhausting hours later*

I sit on my suitcase to close it because I literally packed my entire closet. I'm dressed, my hair is done, my breath is minty fresh and I have a driver waiting for me downstairs to take me to Las Vegas.

"I would be fired if I did so, miss"

Oh. Okay then!

Mister grumpy put all of my luggage in the trunk of the car so now I'm sitting on the back seat enjoying my favorite book. 13 Going 30, the novel.

I've read it about 50 times but every time I do it just feels like the first time all over again. It's 300 hundred pages so I guess I will have read it about 2 times by the time we get to our destination.

After 8 bathroom breaks, 4 almost deaths because of Mr Grumpy being annoyed be me and not paying attention to the road, and 1 bee attack at Mr Grumpy later we were there!

I walk out of the car. It was nightime and all the lights of the casinos, the hotels, and the wedding chapels were turned on and screaming tacky. In front of me there is an enormous hotel that even had a red carpet going down the stairs. There, I see Sal standing, waiting for me to go up. I ran up the stairs and I smile as hard as I can. He looks irritated to say the least.

"Here's the contract. Sign everything by tomorrow." He says as he hands me the biggest pile of pages I've ever seen in my life. Do I even know how to read well enough to understand all of these?

"Thank you so much! It's gonna be so great, I swear I'll be perfect at my job" I say as I move my hands around, excited.

"Yeah, yeah. Tomorrow be downstairs at 5.25, we're leaving at 5.30. So my advice is to not unpack. Also, if I hear that yoy bothered any of the boys I will ship you home immediatly. Understand?"

I nod.

"Have a good night, then".

Mr Grumpy is carrying my luggage as I go to the reception. He looks like he's so excited to never see me again in his life.

"Hello, do you have a reservation?" The receptionist says and I get intimidated. How does she talk so clearly?
"Yeah, I'm Raf King"
"I'm sorry we don't have anything under that name"
"Try Rafaela King" I say.
"Your room is 317. Here's the key card."

I grab the key card and push the elevator button about a million times until it finally arrives. I push thw button with the number 3 on it and I wait as I listen to the music the elevator plays. It's kinda nice.

I get out of the elevator and I'm aurprised to see bodyguards outside of it.

"King?" One of them says.
"Yeah, here's my key card" I say back.

They don't talk again so I guess everything's fine. I find the room with the number 317 on it and I spot my suitcase standing right outside of it. I swipe the card and then turn the knob to open the oak wood door. The lights are on for some reason. Maybe fancy hotles are like that I guess.

I walk in and I panic when I see a blonde man sitting on my bed, smoking.

"Did I come into the wrong room?" I'm still shocked to ask anything else.
"No, baby it's the right room. I just wanted to maoe sure our new crew member was alright" He smiles as he talks to me, now standing up.
"Oh. So um... Sal told you?"

I really don't know what to say. It still feels weird that he was here before I was. How did he even get in?

"How did you-"
"Stole a key card from the cleaning lady" He's now standing right in front of me. He doesn't really care about personal space, does he?

"I just wanted to tell you that if you have any questions about the paperwork or how the tour works, just give me a call." His smile is more like a devious wink at this point.
"I don't have your number." I say and I reach my back pocket to get my phone.
"Oh, but you do" He says and he hands me my phone.

How did he-

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