How You Feel

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Dillon Saint Pierre - 23

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Dillon Saint Pierre - 23

I came back home, well to my girlfriend's apartment. She wanted me to move in with her, and at the time I was really staying with my parents. I know a twenty-three years old living with their parents. All I had to do was keep clean, and pay some bills if needed.

I came home after I grabbed a few drinks with some co-workers, and things did get a little out of hand. My girlfriend Jade doesn't like it when I do entertain other women. All I'm doing is being nice, but to her she believes that I'm doing something more than just that.

She came out of "our" room, and sat next to me. All she has on is a white tank top of mine, and some short ass booty shorts. Cuddling up at my side, I sat there looking at whatever is on the tv.

"Which bar did you guys go to?" she asked me.

"Shit, um the um, the Silver Boat." I said. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

I started pulling out the contents in my jeans pocket on the coffee table because I'm going to eventually lay on the couch for a bit.

I'm not that drunk, but I'm a bit of a lightweight. I don't really drink much. I rather smoke weed than drink alcohol to be honest. I was really vibing there with them, showing some of my personality.

As I got comfortable I felt Jade move, and some paper rustling, but I paid no mind to it. I started humming a song until I got punched in the chest pretty hard. I kind of knocked the wind out of me in the position that I am in.

As I caught my breath Jade started yelling.

"WHO THE FUCK IS BROOKLYN!" she yelled. I opened my eyes seeing a piece of paper with a number and name on it.

"I don't know, I swear." I pleaded.

"Dillon, don't give me that fucking shit who is she. What the fuck you do at the bar!" she asked.

I stood up getting out of her striking zone because for one I know I am not as strong as she is. I am a bit strong, but not like her.

"Nothing, I had some drinks and was just chilling with my co-workers, nothing happened." Well that's not the entire story actually. "I kind of danced with her, but nothing happened."

"Oh so you can go out and dance with other bitches huh?" Jade said with a chuckle. I started walking back as she walked forward to me.

"Jade, baby, nothing happened." I hand my hands up in defense.

In bad timing my phone dinged indicating that I have a text message. Jade picked up my phone unlocking it, and possibly looking at something.

I heard music that I remember hearing because I started humming it before I got punched in the chest. The video played and she showed it to me.

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