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"Great I'm stuck here with a black guy, a lesbian, a fag, and a Japanese something." The only white guy stuck here said.

"Man, take that shit on somewhere. We all fucking stuck here for the next couple of days dickhead. Ain't nobody worried about you." The black guy said to him.

"Sweetie, you ain't even cute anyway. I'll be surprised if you even have a girlfriend, prick." The gay guy said.

"See that's the shit I'm talking about." I heard the white guy mumble.

"Listen regardless of the homophobic, racist guy here we have to at least work together. The snow storm pretty much locked us in here, and so far we still have power." Soon as I said that the power started flickering and then shut off. "Well, we had power."

Everyone groaned.

My so-called friends, who probably weren't, made me come to this location. They said it would be fun, but this was just a fucking joke. At the time, we called for help, and because of the location, plus this snow storm it's going to be a couple of days before they get here. Roads are fucked, and the blizzard is acting the fuck out.

The location isn't technically not in the woods like the shit people see in scary movies, but it's two hours out. I got here a bit early just to look around then these guys showed up. After that nobody else showed up, then the blizzard happened. Our cars are more than likely useless once we get out of here. Even though mine's a piece of shit anyway.

"What are we going to do about food?" The white guy said.

"Can you cook?" The only girl here said.

"Can you? You're the only woman here. You could make yourself useful." He said to her.

"And now he's sexist. What a great combination. Let me guess you voted for Trump too." The gay guy laughed, clapping his hands.

"Alright hush. What are you guys names? I would like to at least know the names of the people I'm stuck here with." I said getting annoyed.

"I'm Gabriel." The gay guy stuck his hand out to me. I shook his hand since he is at least a decent person so far to me.


"Nice to meet you." I replied shaking her hand.


"Wow did this turn into grade school and everyone is introducing themselves. Might as well tell us a fun fact about you." The white guy said.

I'm really losing the little patience I have with this guy and I barely know his damn name. I really don't care about it now.

"Go explore or something, that's what  people like you do in horror movies." I said. Maybe that is a bit racist but shit he started that bull. "I'm Raiyan by the way guys."

The building isn't super big where we could get lost, which I hope the other guy does, but it will get mad cold here.  Really it's like a small hotel or motel. I don't know why I even made it here for a whole week with the little group. I feel like it's some type of experiment or something. When the lights shut off we found some flashlights after using our phones. Then some candles to light. We gathered in the main lounging area that's extremely large, and it has a pool table.

"So how are we going to eat tonight?" the white guy asked all of us. He still didn't even know his name so he is just the white guy at this point.

"My god, if this was a horror movie, I'd gladly trip you so the killer can kill you first." I threw my hands up. Like dude we are all fucked.

"Let's find the kitchen at least. Hopefully it's stocked with food. I just don't understand where the hell the rest of the workers are. There is no way in hell it's just the five of us just here." Darnell spoke up.

"You're right this doesn't make any sense why it's just us." I replied.

Swear to god if this is an experiment I'm haunting all their asses. Shit, I know I'm probably not going to have an open invitation to heaven so hell it is. Big Demon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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