f r i e n d s ?

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The picture says, "the future I can't".

My legs had a ache to it; painful and nice. I pushed my legs harder trying to catch-up to the key stealing dog in front of me. I had been running after the creature for 15 minutes after I left the school. 

I feel like this dog is making me experience first stages of stalking. I smiled, the sooner I'm stalked, its most likely I am killed then my life will end. After huffing out some breaths. I stopped running to catch my breath. I hate to admit it but I am hopeless. Actually why do I hate to admit, I am happy to admit. I am broken.

 I looked up through the light layer of sweat coating my forehead. The pesky little dog stopped, looking at me like a twisted cute puppy. This dog literally represents my dead dog, Basil. The name was my dad's favorite food or plant...I guess. I was annoyed at this dog's game of chase, it is not even funny.

I looked up for the first time after the foolish chase. 

"Wow" My words coated thick with sarcasm "I'm lost again"

I guess... I know my life is shitty. I kicked the ground, rolling some dust off of the ground. My pity party was interrupted by a flapping of wings. I took a more detailed notice of my surroundings, I was behind a building. A pretty clean building, that looked occupied. This time I'll definitely ace my plan. Go find someone, and make sure I get they're attention and ask for directions. (too much "and" in this sentence, but I am to lazy.) 

I heard the flapping of wings once more, this time with the noise of barking. Maybe a little look won't hurt my plan. I took a little peek, behind the building to see... the dog and a two crows fighting over a piece of bread?

I run up to the fighting clutter, not caring about my dangered life. Of course I don't care. The flapping stopped, the animals looked at me. I thought I would die, as the eyes eyed me like eyes do. One of the crows to the opportunity and stole the bread while the dog and the other crow stood in daze. 

A shine caught my eye, on the ground next to my foot lay my keys. I quickly snatched it and spun on my heel ready to walk away. Until I heard a devastating whine and caw, I froze. 

Okay just this once will I break the circle of life.

I turned back and faced the troublesome pair, glaring.

"Stay right here and when I come back you leave me be" I commanded.

I started walking, grinning ready to run leaving them. I started to walk to the entrance of the building, to ask directions. The aroma of buns came wafting to my nose, and just like that I felt guilty. I guess a little food won't hurt. I walked in, the door bell jingling as I did so. I looked around the quiet store.

"Hey, do you need something" My head snapped up to the voice, a middle aged guy with bleached hair stood at the cashier. I nodded and nervously walked toward him.

"Umm. Can I have one beef jerky, and a red bean bun" I asked biting my lip.

"Ya sure" He said, setting down a cigarette that was held in his mouth. He turned around to go get the items from behind him. I dabbed my face, hot.

"You're not from around here are you" He asked checking the items out.

"No, sir. I'm from Nekoma" I meekly replied, he chuckled.

(Sorry, forgot about stranger danger, it's for the story. So...)

"Damn, that's far" "There's a boy who looks just like you, but different attitude. It's like another definition of annoying." He grins. 

"Umm... I kind of got lost, I was wondering if you could give me directions back to Nekoma." I said get straight to the point

"Why don't, I drop you off. I got a delivery there" He said, I stood there surprised and worried. What if this guy is a criminal? He took a look at my face and let out a booming laugh, making me flinch a little.

"Don't worry I am free of stranger danger" He assured genuinely. Should I take the risk? Of course I will.

"Okay" I mumbled.

"Great, could you wait outside a few minutes, I got to get the delivery boxes." He asked. I nodded my head and walked through the door.

I was about to sit down when I heard the two annoying pests. 

"What!" I growled. The crow who stood still for a while nudged the bag in my hand. The beef jerky. I smiled sheepishly and ripped the bag open. The crow flew up to my shoulder, leaving me in a flabbergasted state. The dog came up to my legs and sat on my feet, I smiled. 

I held a piece of beef jerky out in my open palm, toward the crow. He took it eagerly, making me giggle. While the crow feasted on his piece I gave the dog in front of me. I laughed at his drooling state.

I started to eat my bun, humming a song my dad loved. Bongo Bong by Manu Chao. The dog and the crow started to look somewhat happy, I laughed in glee. I started to sing the lyrics outloud.

"Bongo bong" I sang. At this I heard a caw and a bark. An idea snapped into my head. 

"You will be bongo and bong from now on" I said pointing at the two. I guess these guys are my friends?

"You guys, are my friends right?" I asked

"Kay I'm ready, let's roll" I spun around, the cashier guy looked surprised at the sight of me.

"Wow. Can't believe your next to Crow and Dog" He said surprised.

I said my farewell to the two, while he started the engine.

I feel like what I wrote sounds like the flucking Cinderella. I am dead.



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