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Kairi's pov:

mattia is my bsf but also my crush. ik ik i shouldn't be head over heels for him but just look at him he's so cute, sometimes a dick and big and such a fluff ball.. sometimes. also ver-

"can ur bitchass hurry tf up i'm starving!!" very nice lol. we have been friends for a while i think 11 years now. we me-

"kairi!" okokok i should probably go

"give me a fucking second dude fuck" i got my keys, wallet and my phone. should i bring a jacket? nope

"i'm coming" i closed my room door and saw mattia waiting by the door

"finally.. can we leave now?" him and his inpatient ass omg

"can u stop yelling at me.. yes we can leave now" i rolled my eyes and unlocked the car.

"noo don't be mad at me.. okayy i'm sorry i yelled at u in the house" imma stay mad

"yeah i'm MY house u yelled at me" i drove out of the garage and headed to this one diner for breakfast

"how long are u gonna stay mad at me?"

Mattia's pov:

one thing i hate most in this world is kairi being mad at me. idk if i'm just like that it bc i might be in love with him or sum, but i just hate when he's mad at me..

"kairi" i felt bored so i decided to annoy kairi cuz i have nothin better to do


"what the fuck do u want mattia i am trying to drive" rude much lol i shouldn't be the one saying that

"are we almost there yet?" i rested my elbow on the arm rest and put my hand on my chin. staring right at him. such a good side profile

Kairi's pov:

i'm not mad at mattia at all. i just love the reactions i get from him. cuz he's such a fucking baby when i don't answer him.

"we're here" we got out of the car and headed inside.. the warm air hitting our faces.

we waited a little the headed to our table. yes OUR table. we come here so much in the morning they gave us our own table lol



he hates when we do that so i make sure to do it lol

"stop i hate when u do that" aww boo hoo

"aww i hate u" i sarcastically smiled at him and he frowned.

"stop that what can i do for u to stop" nothing

"mm leave me alone" i smiled again and the waiter came back with our drinks

"here u go" she gave us are drinks and walked away. even though i have my own drink i want mattias

"heyyy u have ur own"

"so" i drank a little bit of his drink and gave it back

"kairi" again

"yes mattia"

"did u know ur very pretty." i choked on my water a little bit and look at him

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