𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟳

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"The Options"

mha spoilers I suppose?!

Your eyes slowly forced to open, blinking a few times to get use to the light. Your wrist being chained behind the chair you were currently sitting on.

Your ankles being chained up as well. Your whole body was shaking from the cold air that was surrounding you.

You hate the cold so much!!

Your wrist and ankle could feel the coldness metal of the chain, goosebumps throughout your skin, every time you exhale, condensation were let pass through your lips.

"You're finally awake..." You heard a raspy voice, you slowly force yourself to look up. You noticed your being surrounded by a glass wall, not enough space for you.

You saw a man standing where he was. Full white hair, his skin pale, winkles around his eye, a visible scar on his right-eye and under his lip.

He looks crusty...

Shivers went down your spine. "I hope you were able to at least have a nice good night sleep for the past hour and a half..." He spoke up.

You were a bit surprised you've slept for the past hour and a half. Not gonna lie, you were a deep sleeper sometimes.

"What a shy little one I see here." He said, a grin appeared on his face. Only now you noticed that it wasn't just the man in the room but more people or villains.

You tried to speak up but from how your body was shivering due to the coldness around you, your breath was shaky every second.

"More like a poor little thing here, shivering herself to death." Another raspy voice spoke up. You gulped thickly once you saw him.

He was fairly tall, full white hair, a triple nostril piercing on the right side of his nose. His eye turquoise in color. (i just wanted a white hair Toya?!)

The most striking features are undoubtedly the patches of gnarled, wrinkle, purple skin that cover much of his lower face and neck, all the way down to his collarbone, below his eyes and his arms.

You inhale deeply before you slowly exhale, many condensation let out past your lips. "You know Tomura, we should give her a chance to at least get warm up!" A women spoke up this time.

She chuckles softly with the small pocket knife in her hands, a creepy smile that you noticed her fangs. Her hair was pale, dirty ash blonde and is styled into two messy buns.

Many numerous wild strands of hair sticking out of both of her buns.

Goosebumps went down your spine that you jumped a bit. "Not yet. Or should I say maybe not?" The man that was standing in front of you said.

"Great. This is a fucking nightmare?!" You thought.

You could hear your heart pumping slowly through your ear due to your blood vessels. "Anyways, we haven't gotten to introduce ourselves to you...Y/n..." The man spoke again, making your eyes widened.

You wonder how he knew your name or at least how he knew you. "We are the League of Villains and I'm sure you know about us." He said.

Your breath hitch, even more shocked to find out these villains were also known to be the League of Villains.

The League of Villains was a villain organization made up of powerful villains that threatened to destroy the hero society.

Because of this, Izuku had told you about one of the most powerful villain also known as All For One but that change due to the next one who's named, Tomura Shigaraki.

You finally realize knew the man in front of you was him.

You look down at your feet, knowing this was worst than you thought. You slowly try to calm yourself down, trying not to have a panic attack.

"Aww- she is much more shyer then I thought Boss..." Man with a mask spoke up this time. How you hate when people call you shy.

Your body started to shake much more badly than before, your breathing was much more faster and worsened. Your muscles felt so stiff than ever.

"Dabi...Press the button..." Shigaraki demanded. "Are you that crazy?" Dabi narrowed his eyebrow.

"Don't make turn you into fucking dust Dabi!" Shigaraki tone was a bit more demanding than before. "Tsk, Fine then." Dabi said, walking over to the button.

He did as he was told, you heard the glass being lifted off the ground. As the glass was being lifted, you felt the warm air slowly surround you.

"Oh my god-! This is the best view!" The blonde women chuckles ever so often, excited as ever with a light blush and a creepy smile on her face.

Your eye were only half-lidded, you honestly didn't know how long you would be here and you hundred percent knew that Katsuki was worrying for you.

You felt a tear form in your eye before it slowly was let out from your left eye, rolling down your cheeks.

"Oh my-! A tear I see..." Man with the mask said, he had his fingers on his chin. "Enough." Shigaraki said before he took one or two step closer.

The warm air started to warm up your skin, your breathing started to become normal, your heart rate was slowly pumping normal as well.

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you Y/n." Shigaraki said, you haven't even look up, not wanting to make any eye contact. So many things were going through your mind.

"Here's two option you can either choose..." He spoke. Your hands turned into a fist, swallowing all the thick salvia. "One, you become a part of us...the League of Villians..." He said.

Your eyes widened once more, you knew this was wrong for you. You were more curious about the second option. He finally said...

"Two, you can watch your friend and lover, Midoriya and Bakugou die?"


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