01: Felix

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Felix quietly pushed the man's arm off him, moving one leg out of the bed before his body followed. He turned back to watch the sleeping figure. A grin forming on his lips. The best part about their relationship was that they did not have one. He had been sleeping with the man for 2 months now, seeing each other 3 times a week, yet he did not even know the man's name. The things he knew were that the man was handsome, he had a large tattoo on his back, and he was good in bed. He still remembered the first time they met. It was in his regular club where he part-time bartender to get some extra cash, White Monkey. He was there 4 to 6 nights a week, but that was the first time he had seen him. Dark hair and a black mask covering his mouth. Their eyes had first met across the bar, then again when he was on the dance floor, suddenly the man was behind him, their hips pressed together as they danced. Felix remembered how those hands traveled his body and how well they fit together. He had turned around and pulled the mask down. Their lips had locked together. Soon after, he was pulled into a toilet stall, and in that dirty toilet stall, they had fucked. It had been quick, dirty, and good.

Afterward, he quickly returned to the bar to finish his shift, and the man had disappeared. For two days, he could not get the man out of his head, how handsome he had been. How good the sex had felt, and then after 2 days of wondering, the man appeared again. The same thing happened, their eyes met, they danced, and then they fucked in the bathroom. The man was gone again only to return after a few days, and their nightly ritual became a routine. As much as he enjoyed the sex, he was not a big fan of doing it in disgusting toilet stalls. Just by peeing there, you could risk an std. Apparently, the stranger had the exact same thought, as one day, he appeared at the bar and handed Felix a room card from a hotel close by. Felix had joined him there after he finished his shift, fucking on a bed felt a lot better than in that dirty toilet stall. They had gone at it until he had passed out. When he had woken up, he noticed that there was a small note stuck to his phone.

Thank you for the night. If you want, we can continue to meet up here. This is my number: XXXXXXXXXXX

He had stared at it for a moment before adding the phone number. He had named him Shadow because the guy was like a shadow always appearing and disappearing. That is how their not relationship started. They would text each other to meet up and fuck. They would never speak. They just released the tension and stress in their bodies. Felix knew that the man he was sleeping with was not a good man. He knew that the tattoo on his back was a gang tattoo and that he should probably stay away. Because of his past, he had to stay as far away from gangs as possible, but Shadow never spoke, the sex was mind-blowing, and something deep inside made Felix feel safe with the man. It's not like he could ever trust that deep inside feeling before. He had a habit of fucking things up.

He closed the hotel room door behind him, making his way down the road to his daytime job at the book store. He currently held three jobs. During the day's he would work at the book store, and during the nights, he worked at White Monkey. On the weekends, he also worked in a small cafe. It was a lot, and he was exhausted all that time, but he did everything he could to make as much money as soon as possible. Because he never finished high school, doing jobs like this where his best option. But even with three jobs, he knew that his time was running out. Soon they would come for him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He turned the key in the lock of the bookstore, opening it and immediately closing it again after it. He walked down to the basement where the locker room was. He always kept spare clothing in his locker in case he wouldn't make it home at night, which was most nights. He quickly washed up in the sink before getting changed. Rubbing his face with his hands, he groaned. He looked like shit. He promptly applied some Make-up and styled his hair, making him at least look a bit approachable for customers. When he was ready to open up the shop, he made his way back up. Just as he walked up to the glass door, he noticed the black car. "Fuck..." he turned around to run back to the basement, but he was too late. With an explosion, the glass of the front door shattered, he fell to the floor, holding his hands up to protect himself from the glass shattering around. Still, the tiny shards cut into the skin of his arms and face. He quickly crawled back, trying to find a place to hide, but he could hear the steps in the shattered glass.

"Come out, come out wherever you are...." He could hear the footsteps around the room. He could them smashing up the place. Covering his mouth with his hands to keep his breathing silent, he pressed himself under the counter. Mr. Jung was going to get a heart attack if he saw the bookstore like this, the man had been nice enough to give him a job, and now because of him, the shop was going to be destroyed. "Here, Lixie Lixie... I know you are around here somewhere." The voice rang out again, calling him like a dog. He knew that voice.

"Found you..." Felix his eyes widened as he stared at the gun pointed at his face. "Out! Now!" The voice spoke, and he crawled out of the counter, holding both of his hands up. He looked around the store and spotted 5 guys spread out around the store, all wearing black clothing and masks. "Cash register please?" The guy with the gun spoke, and Felix squinted at him. He was even more sure that he knew that voice now. He walked to the cash register and opened it, the gun now being pressed against his temple. One of the other men came forward and emptied it in a bag. The man holding the weapon leaned in closer and whispered in his ear. "Let's say this can pay off a small part of your debt, but we both know that you still have a lot more to pay." Felix his eyes widened, and he turned his head, looking straight at the man. He knew he recognized that voice. It was Haechan. They were friends once, a long time ago, before Haechan joined the NCT gang. If this was the NCT gang, he was further from home than he thought he was. From all the gangs his father borrowed money from, they were the ones that hated his family the most. "HAE!" Before he could finish the name, a sharp pain shot up his temple where the gun barrel connected with his head. He heard Haechan click his tongue. "Nowhere to run now, little Lixie." His Childhood Nickname was the last thing he heard before losing consciousness. 

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