09: Felix

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《 Felix 》

Felix was laying on the bed, Jisung laid next to him. He was actually quite comfortable around the guy. Jisung liked making jokes and they had the same humor, they also talked about things they liked such as animals and hobbies. Felix never had friends his own age, but he figured this is what that felt like. For a moment he was completely relaxed until he heard the sound of the door opening. He immediately shot up from the bed to the small desk grabbing the knife that Jisung was cleaning before. There was a guy with black hair in the door opening whistling. Felix did not recognize him, he had not been there after the warehouse. "Nice reflex." He said and Felix looked between him and Jisung who had just rolled over on his stomach.

"Coast is clear, let's have dinner." The guy said before turning around, Jisung got up and left the room leaving Felix standing alone for a minute wondering what was going on. Jisung poked his head back in smiling.

"You hungry?" He asked and Felix nodded following him around the house, they passed the dining room and went into a cozy living room. He stood awkwardly in the door opening looking around. Chan was sitting on a large futon, balancing a plate on his lap and a tablet in his hands. Jisung moved to sit on the floor where the guy with the black hair was already seated, next to Seungmin and another guy he did not recognize.

"You are blocking the door." A voice said behind him and he quickly stepped aside letting Hyunjin past who just rolled his eyes. "Changbin is on assignment, he will return later tonight." He spoke as a greeting to the others in the room and for a moment all of them stopped what they were doing and looked at him. He felt the eyes going from Hyunjin to himself and suddenly wanted to disappear.

"That knife is not going to do you much good, we are eating rice with sweet and sour pork, get some chopsticks and a spoon instead," Chan said breaking the silence and it took a second for Felix to realize that the leader of their gang was talking to him. He was still clutching the knife from before. "And please sit down you are making me nervous."

Felix was still frozen in his spot, surprised with the casual way the leader was speaking to him, it was different from the way Bang Chan had spoken to him at the warehouse. Jisung got up from his place on the floor and took his arm guiding him down to sit on the couch and shoving a plate of food in his hands. He just sat there awkwardly looking between the people. It was obvious that his presence had disturbed them because no one was talking anymore. They were all just eating in silence, no one really looked at him either, except for the black-haired guy who was obviously staring at him like he had horns growing out of his head. Felix looked at the food for a moment, he was starving but at the same time, he was scared to eat. His stomach eventually won over his common sense and he quietly took a bite. After the first bite of food entered his stomach the realization hit that he had not eaten since the day before and the food tasted amazing. He did not even care if they drugged it, he just needed something to fill his stomach.

He felt tears entering his eyes as soon as the rich flavor of the food exploded in his mouth. When was the last time he had a home-cooked meal? Probably before the house burned down. He quickly took another bite and a tear slide down his cheek. It tasted really good as he started spooning more and more of the food into his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Jisung whispered softly and he looked up seeing a worried look on the guy's face. That's what he realized his wet cheeks. He quickly wiped away the tears with his sleeves. He felt his cheeks growing red.

"Yeah sorry, it's been a while since I had anything that tasted this good... thank you." He spoke quickly, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room on him once again. He wished he was invisible.

"You are welcome." One of the guys he did not know spoke and Felix just nodded his head.

"AAHH!!" Jisung suddenly screamed pointing around the room, the loudness of the guy's voice scaring him to the point he dropped the almost empty plate on the floor. Staring at it with regret. But Jisung shook his shoulders excitedly.

"Felix meet Minho, he is the one that made the food, and that is Jeongin." He said pointing at the guy who just responded and after pointing at the black-haired guy that called them down. Felix just nodded his head in greeting still feeling the regret of his plate on the floor, he was still hungry. There was only one bite left on it but he still regretted it. Seungmin leaned over and grabbed his plate off the floor, putting it on the table.

"Now the introductions are out of the way, why don't you tell us why the fuck everyone is looking for you?" Hyunjin said with a sarcastic tone. Jisung smacked his thigh glaring at him but Hyunjin just shrugged. "What? We are risking our own lives keeping him hidden, I would like to know why they want him in the first place."

"I would also like to know," Chan said as he put his own empty plate on the table. At that the others all became silent. Felix stared at the empty plates on the table, his hunger suddenly gone.

"I don't know..." He said and Hyunjin clicked his tongue shaking his head but Chan just looked at him.

"What do you know about a vault?" Chan asked and Felix just shook his head again in confusion.

"I know nothing about a vault," He said giving Chan a confused look.

"Would your father have a vault hidden somewhere containing his valuables and money?" Chan asked again and Felix let out a laugh, not being able to keep it in, when he looked around he saw that all of them looked serious and he was pretty sure Hyunjin was sitting on the edge of his seat to stab him so he just shook his head.

"My father does not have a hidden vault, trust me..." His father would never put all his valuables in a safe. "Besides, I know they were looking for him because of his debts, he spend the money as soon as he got it, he never held onto it long enough to be able to store it in a vault. Is that why they are looking for me? Because they think my father put the money in a vault?" He asked not being able to hide the mockery from his voice, if that was true then the leaders were even dumber than he originally thought.

Chan leaned back in his chair still looking like he was lost in thought. Felix his father did not have a vault, his father did not trust banks or would use one place to store his money, he would usually spend it straight away so no one could touch it. The valuable things he did have he would spread around the city. He looked at Chan who was reading something on a tablet.

"Why do you think my father has a vault, what could he have in it?" He asked softly, suddenly feeling curious, but it was loud enough for Chan to hear because he looked up again from the tablet

"I don't know, but it is valuable enough to put a price of 5 million on your head." He flipped the tablet around and Felix saw a picture of himself with 5 million underneath. Wanted alive! His eyes widened and he looked at Chan who casually flipped the tablet around again and started scrolling on it.

"Don't worry, we won't hand you over.... yet." He said casually, not easing Felix his worries at all.

He had to get out of here.

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