05: Changbin

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Changbin looked at the freckled boy sitting on the couch. His eyes scanned the wounds that covered every bit of his pale skin. He felt rage burning inside of him, the anger he felt every time he looked at the blonde the past two days. He balled his fists at his side, ready to fight. It was Jisung's hand on his own that made him finally look away from Felix and look at his friends. Jisung shook his head before following after Chan, making Changbin follow along as well.

He walked into the room and found a spot against the wall to lean against, crossing his arms. Chan stood there in the center of the room, looking at all three of them. "Did you have to be so mean to him? He looked like a scared little chick." Jisung said after the door closed, Chan responded with a shrug and a smile. "I don't think he was a scared little chick. That guy has fire in his eyes." He responded to Jisung before his attention turned to Changbin. Changbin straightened up a bit more as he noticed Chan's eyes on him. "What were you guys thinking? You were supposed to stir up the scene a bit, not steal someone." Changbin felt anger rising up in him. Steal someone, like Felix was thing owned by NCT. "I could expect this from Jisung or Seungmin but not from you," Chan said with a sigh, to which Changbin responded with a glare. He would have never left Felix in the warehouse. The way they had left Felix there, the things they did to him. He would kill all of them.

"So what's the deal with him owing money?" Jisung asked, breaking the staredown between Chan and Changbin. Chan let out a sigh. "His father was named Lee YongBok, and was notorious for borrowing money, going to different groups simultaneously, but he could never pay the money back. In the end, it cost him his own life and the life of his family. Years later, Mister Park found out that one of his sons survived, the son who shared the same name as his father. It started a manhunt." The three of them stared at Chan in confusion. "Why a manhunt, the man already paid with his life, and with the life of his family, what does the survival of one son matter?" Jisung asked, and Chan looked up at Changbin again. "The manhunt was started by the big three." All of them were silent.

If the big three had started a manhunt, that meant that this was about more than just money. Changbin balled his fists to his side. What kind of trouble did Felix get himself into that the big three wanted him. "What is your relationship with him?" Hyunjin finally asked the question, and with the way that Chan and Jisung were also looking at him, he knew they all wanted to know. It was strange for Changbin to save anyone, but when he had seen Felix like that on that mattress, drugged up and begging, he couldn't leave him there.

The first time he had spotted Felix working at the White Monkey was over a year ago. He was immediately intrigued by the guy. Something about the man had pulled him towards Felix, and when they had started their, whatever it is you called it what they had, two months ago, he had been ecstatic. Being able to kiss and taste the guy without being asked any questions. At the same time, he knew that Felix wasn't sleeping around anymore. Felix had belonged to him in a way. The nights they shared in that hotel room were a distraction. It was something that kept him sane. "You have permission to speak," Chan said, bringing him back to his thoughts. After receiving permission, he removed the mask from his face. "We don't have a relationship," Changbin said, earning a frown from Jisung. "You obviously knew him when we saw him in the warehouse." Hyunjin let out a snort at that. "You obviously knew him when you brought him back and fucked his brains out more like it." Changbin glared at him, but he knew he wasn't going to get out of this one. Both points were out of character for him. Changbin didn't care about anyone but SKZ. He let out a sigh and shrugged.

"I might have been sleeping with him for the past two months." He spoke the words bluntly, and Jisung started coughing. Hyunjin and Chan stared at him in surprise. "We met at a club, and it was a nice release." He spoke casually, but he already knew that his relationship with Felix was more than casual for him. "I didn't know he was the Lee YongBok everyone was searching for. We didn't speak, we didn't even know each other's name, we just slept together." It was a lie, and from the look Chan gave him, he knew that Chan knew it was a lie. But that was something they would discuss alone. Everything about his relationship with Felix was out of character for him, and that was dangerous.

"So what are we going to do with him now? Hand him over to the big three?" Hyunjin said, being the first to recover from Changbin's revelation. The hairs on Changbin's arms started to stand up. The last thing he wanted to do was hand Felix over to the big three. Who knows what would happen to him then. He looked with panicked eyes at Chan, but he just shook his head. "We keep him with us, and we keep him hidden. I don't want to hand him over before knowing why they exactly want him." He gave Changbin a reassuring look that eased his heart. "We will transfer him to the mansion. It must stay a secret that we have him. I don't want people sniffing around. Now to other points of business."

All three of them straightened up, staring at Chan. "NCT hasn't reacted to our invasion yet, which means either they are planning something elaborate or we were successful, and they don't know it was us." He gave each of them a look. "I believe it's the second, which is another reason to keep Felix well and hidden. We got away with it, but it was only the beginning. The close circle all escaped. I am sure they are trying to figure out who broke in. So keep your heads down and go on with your normal day-to-day business." The three of them nodded. Compared to NCT, their group was small, but they were tight. They had complete trust in each other. "It's time to prepare for the next phase of the plan...." Suddenly the door was thrown open, showing a distressed Seungmin.

"Felix locked himself in." He said, looking at the three-man with wide eyes. Changbin immediately stalked past him walking to one of the bedroom doors. He tried the handle, but it wouldn't bust, and he put his ear against the door. There was no sound coming from inside the room, and he turned back to look at the others. "Move..." Hyunjin said, and he went to the side. Hyunjin gave a hard kick against the door, making it shoot open. He quickly walked inside the room, but it was empty, with the window open. When he reached it and stared outside, he saw Felix standing on the sidewalk, looking up with this tongue out of his mouth before running off. Hyunjin whistled, and he turned around to see the guy leaning against the doorpost. "Now that's impressive. We are on the 5th floor." Changbin glared at him before turning his eyes on Seungmin, who quickly hid behind Hyunjin. "How did he get away...." Chan asked as he entered the door. "I only went to the kitchen for a moment to get some ice for his bruises, and when I came back, he had locked the door from the inside.

Changbin glanced outside the window again, letting out a sigh. "Well, this is going to be a problem," Chan spoke, mimicking Changbin's own thoughts. Felix was going to be in even more danger now. He hit the window sill in anger.

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