02: Felix

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He stared at the snow before him, how the drops of red looked like roses on white silk sheets. It was such a beautiful sight. His eyes traveled the red only to see two bodies lying there, hands connected. They had loved each other and screamed for each other before they died, but they never cared for him. "Bokkie..." A voice shouted, and two hands grabbed his shoulders. "RUN!" He was pushed away, he started running, a loud sound made him turn around. He watched as the owner of the hands that had pushed him fell to the ground, the red flowing from his body painting the snow crimson.

"Wake up!." He felt a splash of cold water hitting his face and opened his eyes. Coughing as the water had entered his nose. He noticed Haechan standing over him before his eyes scanned around the room, trying to make sense of where he was. He was lying on a shabby bed in the middle of the room. Behind Haechan, there was a camera that pointed right at him. Some people were staring at him, and that is when a cold shiver ran down his body. He looked down and noticed he was completely naked and chained to the floor by his ankles. His arms were tied with a rope behind his back. Haechan was grinning at him standing in front of him but was soon pulled away, another guy taking his place. Felix knew him as well. Taeyong. The leader of the NCT gang and the man his father owned a debt to.

"You are late on your payments." He started. His voice made the hairs on Felix, his arms stand up. It was emotionless. Felix just glared at him. "I warned you that if you were late again, I would find another way for you to repay your debts." Felix his eyes moved to the camera before turning back to Taeyong. Taeyong went down on his knees and took Felix his chin between his fingers, squeezing roughly, turning his face both sides as if to inspect him. "Your cute face in combination with your deep voice is unique and will up the value. Though it will not be enough to clear your debt, at least some of my money will be returned. You can take it as a warning. If you are late again or you decide to run, this will be your future." He let him go, giving him a couple of harsh slaps on his cheeks. Before he got up and left the warehouse.

Felix knew that Taeyong had not always been like this. Taeyong had been kind a long time ago, but too much had happened, too much pain, and it had changed him. It was his own family that was to blame for Taeyong's pain. He looked around, finding a way to get out of this place, but Haechan moved closer again, roughly pulling his head back by his hair. He poured a bitter liquid down Felix his throat before keeping both his nose and mouth shut till he swallowed it all. When Haechan let him go, he fell over coughing. "It should work in 15 minutes, then you can start. "We need you to be a bit more compliant," Haechan spoke up as he untied Felix his arms before getting up.

Felix slowly felt his body getting hot, his head turning hazy. They drugged him! He felt his length growing hard and heard the man around him chuckle. The hands he felt on his body disgusted him, but he could not push them away. He had no strength. He could only lay there and let them do whatever they wanted. Taeyongs voice echoing in the back of his head, "this will be your future." No, he would not lay back and be compliant while they did with him whatever they wanted. He felt himself being pushed up. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck, nuzzling his face in his neck. "Look at that. You are a little slut. You like this, don't you." The sound of this voice disgusted him, and he moved his lips up, feeling the man's earlobe between his teeth before biting down hard and pulling it.

Ripping off a chunk of his ear. The voice squeaked like a pig, and a fist connected with his face. He could hear Haechan's laugh in the distance and spit out the blood and chunk of the ear. He looked around, trying to find him. Still, his sight was hazy, and his body was growing hotter every second. His skin was sensitive that even the slightest brushes of bedsheets made him moan. "You are allowed to blindfold him and tie him up if he is too much to handle for you... but make sure you capture his full-face the moments he cum's." The two-man immediately tied a blindfold over his eyes before tying his hands behind his back, leaving him completely helpless.

He felt how they spread his legs, lips touching his body, and he wanted to throw up. Not being able to see them at all made it worse. It was like he was becoming more and more sensitive. The drug was making him needier. He could feel the precum leaking from his cock. Tears were sliding down his face. He did not want this. He just wanted release. The fingers that were entering his body disgusted him. He started to struggle more, using all his remaining strength to trash his body. Even if he could not win, he would not go down without giving them a fight. Even if he slept around before, they had always been people that he chooses. He would never let anyone force themselves on him. He had too much pride for that. His trashing seemed to annoy his attackers, and he felt another hard punch in his face, making his head dizzy. He felt his consciousness slipping away again. What did he ever do to deserve this? Why was he the one paying for his father's crimes? His father did not even love or care for him.

The snow was red, the lovers held hands, a kind man fell down with his hand stretched out. "Run!" The sound of gunshots filled the air. 

It was not just his imagination. The shots of guns really did fill the air. He could hear them somewhere in the distance. If he focused, he could hear people run around and shout, followed by more shots. How long had he been unconscious? What had happened? The hands touching him were gone. His body was still hot and uncomfortable. He needed release. He moved his hips, trying to find any friction, but his hands were still bound. He wanted to pull them apart. It was painful. He was painfully hard. He needed release. He needed to get out of here.

"Found someone..." He heard a voice ring out. He let out a desperate whine. He knew he was drooling. "There is a camera here... It looks like they drugged him. The fuck kind of shit are they into..." The voice was cold and calculated.

"Kill him..." Another voice followed as a second person entered the room. Felix, his body reacted, an involuntary spasm going through him, making him trash on the floor. Was this going to be his end? "We don't have time for this... we need to get out of here before...." The voice stopped. Felix knew he was close. Both of them were close. "Help me... please...." He hated how pathetic his voice sounded, but he was desperate... he needed release. His body felt feverish. He just wanted to get out of here. He felt like he was going to die. He was going to burn from the inside out. He could not even see them, but he needed their help. They were not with NCT, he was sure with that, and right now, that was enough. Suddenly he felt the blanket wrapped around him and two arms picking him up. The touches sending electric bolts through his body, and he spasmed in the man's hand. "I thought you said kill him. Why are you taking him with you." The other man asked, but the one carrying him didn't respond. "Please..." Felix whimpered again, but the arms held him tighter, making it impossible for him to move. His hands were still tied up, the blindfold remained in front of his eyes. The continuous electric shocks sent through his body by the touch of the stranger were too much to handle, and his consciousness slipped away again.

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