03: Felix

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Felix slipped in and out of consciousness. He could feel a pair of hands touching him. When he woke up at one point, he felt lips around his length, a familiar head bobbing up and down between his legs. His mind going back to all those nights in that hotel, and the tension eased away from his body. It felt different than before. It felt good. He closed his eyes again, and when he woke up again, he was on all fours, a man pounding inside of him from behind. The heat in his body was slowly calming down. He moaned loudly, holding onto the sheets for support as the man gave him pleasure. His mind slipping out of consciousness again after he tipped over the edge.

The third time he regained consciousness, he was lying in a large bed. His body was washed and cleaned. He was wearing an oversized black shirt and a pair of clean boxers. The bedsheets felt comfortable. He turned around, hugging the pillow close to his body. Still, stinging pain in his face and wrist made him open his eyes again. His short moment of bliss was soon replaced by the memories of what happened the night before. The abduction, Taeyong and Haechan, the hands touching him and the camera. "this will be your future." He looked around the room, but it looked nothing like the warehouse he was in before. The room had no personal items. The big bed he was lying in was covered in black silk sheets. The desk and closet were both black as well. Where was he? Did the NCT Gang still have him?

He heard voices from the other side of the door and crawled out of bed, immediately falling to the floor as his knees were weak and his hips were hurting. Last night, did they... No! That wasn't right. There was a shooting, someone had ordered to kill him but saved him, he moved his hand down to his crotch. Someone had done it to him last night, but it had not been the man that tried to film him. Felix felt his anger rising. How could he have been so stupid? How dare they put their hands on him. He glared at the door. He would kill them, anyone, that touched him; he would skin them alive. He crawled over to the door and opened it slightly. The voices that sounded softly through the door now came to him in full force. Someone was yelling.

"You should have put a bullet through his head. How could you be so stupid and bring him here? We took him from the NCT warehouse. What happened to leave no witnesses." Felix quickly moved back from the door, staring at the small slid, his anger gone as soon as it had arrived. He had been foolish to think he could do anything at all. They shot up the NCT Gang. He was sure that they were most likely another gang. In this area, even the police did not like to interfere. In the streets, everything was in the hands of gangs, even justice. "Calm down. The guy was drugged out of his mind and tied up. I am pretty sure he did not work for them." Felix crawled closer, peaking through the slid. The guy who spoke was sitting on the couch, an amused expression on his face. "Wow, someone in a gang being drugged out of his mind, that is something that never happens." The other voices responded dripping with sarcasm. Felix noticed an angry-looking, tall blond walking around the room with his arms crossed. "I am sure that guy was being held there against his will. You should have heard him when he asked for help. It was like a little chick calling its mom."

"No, Thank you, I heard him enough last night. Besides, even if he is not a part of the NCT gang, he could still be a danger. What if they come looking for him." The man on the couch crossed his arms, leaning back. "We robbed them, shot some of their guys... and you worried that they come looking for us because we saved that guy. I am sure they come looking for us for other reasons. Besides, it has been 2 days already, NCT has not yet made a move. Maybe they just let it go." The blonde walked over to the guy on the couch. Felix swallowed. He looked like he was going to punch him. The other remained totally calm on the couch and looked at him with a bright smile. "Why are you making such a big deal out of this? The mission went well, no one got hurt, we got to mess with NCT, and to make it all even better, it's Changbin that took him here and fucked his brain out." At that, a third person came into view, smacking the head of the guy on the couch. Felix his eyes traveled over the man that apparently fucked his brains out last night. He glared as his eyes traveled up the man's body. He had toned muscles and black hair. When he turned around, Felix first noticed the mask hiding his mouth and nose and then his eyes. He stared at him for a moment before the realization hit him. Fuck, He knew him!

He fell back, shutting the door with his foot, which ended up being louder than he had hoped it would. He had been there last night and saved him. He remembered the voice that had ordered to kill him, the arms that had carried him. Something had felt familiar about it. It had been Changbin. Changbin was his name; that was Shadow's real name. Even though they never spoke, Felix knew the sound of his voice through the moans and groans and sometimes curses during their nights together. Changbin saved him from NCT, and last night he fucked him.

The door opened again, and Changbin was standing there. Felix crawled back, his back pressed up against the bed, glaring at him. Behind Changbin, the two other guys entered the room. The blonde staying behind with his arms crossed, the other guy still smiling, moving closer, and sitting down in front of him. "Are you okay?" Felix pressed himself further against the bed, his eyes moving between the three guys. "My name is Jisung, that...." He pointed at the blonde. "That's Hyunjin, and I think you know Changbin...." Felix glared at Changbin. Of all the people in the world, how could he be the one that saved him? "Do you remember anything from the past couple of days?" He didn't react to the question, just kept glaring at Changbin.

Hyunjin whistled, "Wow, you got yourself a feisty one..." Felix, his eyes snapped to Hyunjin only for a second, a low growl in the back of his throat as a response.

"Can you tell me your name?" Jisung asked. Now he finally looked at him, but he still didn't respond. He learned from a young age that remaining quiet would often be the response when dealing with these kinds of people.

Jisung let out a sign before moving a little closer, Felix his body tensed, but he didn't move away. "How is your body?" He reached out and touched Felix his cheek. He flinched at the touch, pain shooting through his cheek. He looked warily at the man before glancing back at Changbin.

"Seungmin should arrive soon. He can do a quick check for injuries. Make sure he is okay, and then we can send him on his way." Hyunjin spoke from the doorway before turning around and getting out of the room. Jisung let out a sigh and got up from the floor. "I will get some ice for your bruises and some painkillers. Can you stand?" Felix nodded, trying to push himself up with the help of the bed, but his legs were still unsteady. It was Changbin that reached over to him and held him up. Felix turned his head to look at him. "Changbin..." He said the name softly. He noticed how hoarse his own voice sounded, how much his throat hurt like someone put a taser to his vocal cords. The guy looked at him before lifting him off the floor and bringing him to the living room. Setting him down on the couch before leaving through another door. Felix watched him go and let out a sigh. He knew they never talked before. It had been their thing, but now it was just weird. Jisung came back in again, holding a bag of ice. He gave Felix the pain killers and a glass of water, having him swallow them before pressing a bag of ice against the bruises on his ribs.

"How do you know Changbin?" Felix was taken aback by the question and looked at Jisung in shock. "I don't... not really...." The words escaped him before he realized, wanting to curse himself. He balled his fists, staring at them. It was the truth. He did not really know Changbin, they spend some wild nights together the past few months, but they never spoke. He did not even know his name until now.

"He seems to know you, though...." Felix looked at him confused, hissing as the bag of ice was pressed against his cheek. He thought back to the vague memories he had of the past couple of days.

"Kill him..." Changbin's voice rang through his head, followed by Jisung's "I thought you said kill him, why are you taking him with you."

Changbin came back into the room, putting a bowl of congee in front of him. "Are you going to kill me?" Felix looked up at him, and Changbin stared back in shock. His eyes moving to Jisung before taking a step back again. "No... but we need to figure out what to do with you, and that decision is not up to us." Jisung responded with a sigh.

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