Headaches and Hugs

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Julie's POV

I felt like I had been hit by a bus the moment I woke up. My entire body ached. My muscles were sore, my head was spinning, and it felt like I was being kicked in the stomach. I groaned, and groggily, I forced my eyes open. It was Friday morning, and today I had the day off of school. Last night, I had promised the guys that I would rehearse with them,but right now that was the last thing I wanted to do. All I wanted was to sink back into my mattress and into the comfort of sleep, but I knew that I would have to get up at some point. Besides, I wasn't one to break my promises. I hastily pulled my bedding off of my body and a cold chill coursed through my bones. Despite the feeling of being cold, I was sweating. As I hoisted myself out of bed I heard voices coming from the kitchen. Dad had left for work and had taken Carlos to spend the day at Tia Victoria's house, so it must've meant that the guys had decided to venture into the house. They're voices grew nearer, and I assumed they were headed to see me.
I could let them see me like this. I knew they would call off practice if they knew I wasn't feeling well, but I didn't want to disappoint them. I wasn't about to ruin their days.

"Hey Jules, can we come in?" Luke's voice questioned through the door.

"Sure!" I forced a peppy tone into my voice and faked a smile.

The trio popped their heads through my bedroom door before proceeding to step in completely. All of them must've been able to see through my act.

Luke frowned."Julie, you okay? You don't look too good."

Alex's eyebrows were furrowed in concern, and Reggie seemed somewhat scared and nervous. I was about to reassure them that I was fine, but in reality I felt far from it. The nauseous feeling in my stomach had grown since I woke up, and I suddenly felt like I was going to be sick.

Alex's POV

Julie pushed Reggie, Luke and I out of the way and rushed to the bathroom. I quickly glanced at the boys—whom both had concerned looks on their faces—before immediately following after Julie. I found her kneeling on the cold tile floor hunched over the toilet, clutching her stomach. She sucked in a few heavy breaths before she leaned forward and threw up. I quickly gathered her messy hair in my hands, pulling it away from her face. Next to me, Luke comfortingly rubbed Julie's shoulders. Reggie was crouched down next to Julie, leaning over the toilet.

"Reg, what are you doing?" Luke asked, confused.

"I don't handle it well when other people get sick. I think I'm gonna throw up!" He exclaimed.

"Reggie, we're ghosts, we can't get sick." That was one advantage of being dead.

Reggie's POV

I couldn't take it any longer, it was too hard for me to watch Julie in pain. I exited the bathroom right as I heard her throw up again. If I couldn't—or rather, wouldn't—be with Julie to comfort her, I would have to find another way to help her feel better. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, proceeding to scour the cabinet.
Aha, just what I was looking for.
I grabbed the bottle of medicine and pocketed it. I then filled up a glass with cool water from the fridge. When I finally made my way upstairs again, I found Julie in her bed with Alex and Luke on each side of her. She looked horrible, seeing her so dreary like this made me sad. This was far from the bright, happy Julie I knew and loved. I ran up to my friend and embraced her; they say love makes everything better.

"I'm glad you're okay! I was scared!"

"She is not okay, and she needs to rest." Luke responded to my comment with a frown on his face and a stern tone. Yet, his eyes glowed with love and concern. "I don't know why she didn't tell us she was feeling sick because we could've helped her." He mumbled passive aggressively at Julie.
Alex nudged Luke in the side and gave him a glare.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't realize I was sick!" Julie pouted at Luke.

"But you faked being fine." Luke argued.

"Fine, you're right." Julie finally gave in. "I just didn't want to ruin our day. We had rehearsal planned and I promised you that we would practice."

"Jules, you aren't ruining our day. It's just a change in plans. Besides, it's not so bad—we get to take care of you now." Alex smiled at Julie.

"Oh! I brought you this." I took the Ibuprofen out of my jacket and handed it to Julie.

"I don't need this, I'll be fine."

"You do need it! Now take it." Luke urged Julie to take the pills. She changed the subject to divert attention from the medicine.

"My stomach hurts really bad." She complained, and I could tell she wasn't faking her pain.

"That's what the medicine is for, Jules, now just take it—please." Alex begged. She finally gave in and she gulped down the pills, along with the water I had brought her.

"See, was that really so bad?" Luke coddled. Julie just huffed in response. "Now it's time to rest."

Luke's POV

Julie sighed and closed her eyes. I indicated to Alex and Reggie that it was time to exit, but before I could get too far away, Julie grabbed my hand.

"Stay with me?" She pleaded, and I couldn't resist those puppy-dog eyes.

I sat down beside her and pulled her head into my lap. She glanced up at me, and I leaned down to kiss her forehead.
She was burning up, hopefully the medicine would help. Alex sat down next to me and quietly asked Julie if he could braid her hair. She gave her consent and he began to gently twist strands of her hair together into an intricate braid. Braiding was a skill Julie had taught Alex so he could braid Willies hair. Soon enough, Julie's hair was styled in two French braids. Alex sighed gleefully, satisfied with his job, and he plopped back onto Julie's pillows.
Reggie must've felt excluded, for he sat up from his spot on the floor and climbed onto the bed. He snuggled up closely with Julie and wrapped his arms tightly around her legs. Since I had met Reggie, he had always been clingy. He was always scared that his parents would leave him; I guess—in a way—they did. I reached down and patted his head softly. I realized how lucky I was to have found all of these people—well, ghosts and person. I was so lucky to be here with my friends—my family. I wrapped one of my arms around Alex's shoulders. The other around Julie's waist; she nuzzled her face into my neck. Slowly, her breathing evened out and I could tell she had finally fallen asleep. I heard a snore come from Reggie and I glanced at Alex.

"Looks like our two children are asleep, mission accomplished." I grinned and Alex laughed.

I sat still, careful not to wake Julie or Reggie, and disrupt the peace and serenity. I could stay like this forever—only headaches and hugs—I could live with that.

Authors note:
Thanks for taking the time to read this! Can ghosts even fall asleep, like Reggie did? Idk, in this they can I guess, lol. Question of the day: Who's your favorite character from JATP? My favorite character is Alex, he's the best, love him. Again, if you have any requests, I'd love to do them. (Just message me). Have an amazing day! -Rio 💛

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