Chapter 11 : An harsh reminder

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Umidori : "Well then ! let's start shall we !" she says with a very creepy and loud voice "My precious little level 5!"

As she finished her sentence, the ground around accelerator started to break and a creepy smile instantly apeared on Accelerator's face.

Mikoto had just time to blink that accelerator was already in front of Umidori with his hand extanded toward Umidori's face ready to transform her into a pile of flesh and blood.

Umidori : [Fuck, he is fast !]

Umidori instantly made a spear out of Nitrogen, she then threw the spear on the ground making it explode and launching herself in the air.

While Umidori was being lauched in the air, Accelerator creepy smile instantly got replaced by a confused face when the explosion made by Umidori's lance came in contact with Accelerator's barrier.

Accelerator : "Tch" his confused face change into an irritated one. [So this is her plan huh...I need to get hit by one of her atack to be sure, then I could counter-atack like I did with the number 2]

Umidori : [This bastard almost got me] She though while still being launch in the air, she then used two of her fake arm to stabilize herself in the air before using all of her other arm to make one huge nitrogen lance.

The lance was around 5 meter long and launched at 300m/s, this lance was as powerful as a tank shell and Umidori had a perfect control over it.

Accelerator looked straight at the upcomming danger without letting any worry show on his face.

When the lance entered in contact, instead of being redirected right back at Umidori, the lance dispersed itself.

Umidori landed on her feet some meters away from Accelerator with a surpised face which rapidly turned into a sadistic grin.

Umidori : "You're a lot more cautious than I expected, or did the war change your personality? To actually scout out information by taking head on my atacks just to preserve your battery life, this sure is different from the thought process I know of." Umidori grin grew bigger, but Accelerator didn't answered Umidori's provocation, he was just silently looking at her.

Accelerator wondered if a certain Level 0 once stared at himself in the same way, he then looked over his shoulder to look at a stunned Mikoto, maybe she was looking at him the same way too back then [No...she was looking at me with a lot more of hatred and disgust]

Accelerator then focused on Umidori again.

Umidori :  "I guess you already know what tactic i'm using, the same tactics Kihara Amata used on you to beat you up!", she then lifted all of her arm starting to concentrate generate in the multiple palm of her. "Now tell me...Kihara only used his fist and had trained during multiple years to master this tactic, what would happen if instead of fist, it would be hundred of lances made by cyborg hand which are specially made to break through your barri-" before finishing her sentence she got cut off by a simple question from Accelerator.

Accelerator : "Are you happy ?"

Umidori who was confused stop concentrating nitrogen in her palms to let escape a confused : "Huh ?"

Accelerator : "Are you really happy to be staying here?" he said with a casual tone "that place...the lair of darkness, the Dark Side."

that was a pretty simple question, but it was enough to make Umidori switch from confusion to anger

Umidori : "Isn't it obvious? I'm definitely happy. I'm really happy here!! This is the pinnacle of the world!! To be able to be in a place where I can release evil!! This is all I ever wanted!! No matter how much money is offered, I'll kill!! There's a lot of people who lift their chins as they look down on others! And with this cyborg body, the way I live, it's even more outstanding than anyone else living in Academy City!! Why wouldn't I be happy about this!?"

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