Chapter 2 : Even more crippled...

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Accelerator P.O.V :

Accelerator open his eyes, his vision was blury and blinked multiple time to try to correct his vision.

When he is able to clearly see, the only thing he can see is white wall, some medical machines that are connect to him, a table with a lot of full can of coffee on it and a clock that is showing 8am, after some time of looking around he see a..wheelchair?

He is in the hospital...again, he don't know how many time he was uncouscious, but it must be a long time because he had clear difficulty to move his legs, after some time someone enter the room, it is a bald doctor with a frog like head, accelerator recognize him almost instatly, he is Heaven Canceller after all.

again, he don't know how many time he was uncouscious, but it must be a long time because he had clear difficulty to move his legs, after some time someone enter the room, it is a bald doctor with a frog like head, accelerator recognize him almost...

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Accelerator spend a lot of time in his hospital after being shot and he is the only doctor that accelerator trust enough to let him take care of Last Order when she is hurt or sick.(he could let the medical check to some scientist related to lvl 6 shift project but he don't trust them.)

Heaven Canceller : "Ah so you are finnaly awake Accelerator"

Accelerator : "Cut the crap, how is the kid and the other one"

Heaven Canceller : "Don't worry they are fine, you did a pretty good job back there, i don't know what you did but you fully healed the arm of this young girl."

Accelerator : [what..what the fuck is he talking about, i broke her arm , i didn't healed it, can it be that the magic that i used to save the brat healed her too. No her arm was still broken after that then how...]then Accelerator remember his discussion with Aiwass[Tch. can it be the effect of these wings...might need to do some test later.] "Tch..."

Heaven Canceller : "You know...." he walk toward Accelerator until he take a sit next to him "Last Order and this other clone stayed next to you during all the time you were uncouscious, your guardians too, they bring all this coffe for you." he says while pointing toward the table "they were very worried about you, they came everyday to visit you...i th-"

Accelerator : "Fine i get is my situation"

Heaven Canceller just smile and says : "Well, i couldn't tell it's the best one, but atleast you are in a relatvly good shape"

Accelerator : "Again cut the crap, how many time i've been uncouscious and what happened to me" he said those word with a threatening tone

Heaven Canceller : "Well it's only been 5 days since you fall unconscious"

Accelerator : "Only five day then why is it so difficult to just move my leg"

Heaven Canceller : "I'm comming to that point, it seems that you used your power too much, all of your wounds re opened, more importantly your head(when he got shot by amai) and your abdomen(when he got stab by aiwass), these 2 spot being hurt in the same time make every movement very difficult for you, even your cane couldn't properly help you, plus a lot of your organs has been damaged, so you need to use a wheelchair from now on."

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