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The sound of people outside, cars passing by, rain hitting the window. It filled my ears. I smiled. I couldn't help but go towards it. I unlocked each lock without realizing it and opened the door. Just as I was about to take a step forward, fear filled my body, I started to shake. Nick. He would be furious if I left, what would he do if he caught me. No there's no time to think about that. I finally took a step out and felt a boost of energy flow within me. I ran to my house and went inside without a second thought. I locked the door behind me and slid on the door till I sat on the ground. I was breathing heavily and I just sat there in shock... I did it. I made it out. I couldn't help but laugh, a stream of tears went down my face, but they were happy tears.

"John, sweety is that you?"

I froze. That voice it can't be... mom. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and towards the door.

"Honey, are you back from your trip?" She stepped into my view, she looked like an angel. She looked at me confused, then with concern.

"John, what happened to you, what happened to your hand? Why are you crying?".

"You're... you're alive." I started to cry even more, then my dad came down too and looked at me worried.

"Son, what happened?"

That bastard, he lied to me... he lied.
=Time Skip: 2 years later=

I'm going to college now since I'm 20 years old. It's weird to think that I went back to my normal life after all that. My parents said they never called the cops because they got a call from "Jay" saying we were going on a trip for a while. It was obviously Nick. The police never caught him, he probably left as soon as he saw his door was open. It still freaks me out, not knowing if I'll see him again one day. My left hand healed up, but there's a scar, actually there's some minor scarring from everything he did. I'm just happy I left when I had the chance. Although, now I don't really trust people which means I don't have any friends. I don't mind though, I think I'm a different person now, I'm more studious and independent if you will.

It's the start of my second year in college, I'm planning on getting a business major. It's my last period of the first day of class and I feel sick. I brushed it off and said I'll pay attention the rest of the year so it's okay. I sat in the back so I wouldn't be around too many people. The whole seminar was filled, soon after the teacher came in. It was odd. He looked... familiar. I couldn't wrap my head around who he might have looked like but I didn't put too much effort into it. I decided maybe I could rest my head and record the lecture for later. I actually ended up sleeping the whole class. I woke up to the sound of people packing up and leaving.

"You young man! In the back!"

I sat up straight and some people looked at me as they were leaving.

"Could you stay with me for a moment."

This feels like high school all over again, I should've just payed attention. Everyone left and I started to make my way down to the teacher. I found that the closer I got to him, the more I recognized him, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I stood in front of his desk, he didn't say anything.

"Hi professor... you asked me to stay." He got up and walked to the door. I was confused to say the least, then I heard a lock. Why would he lock the door? I was starting to get worried. He walked back over and stood in front of me. I just stood there awkwardly looking down.

"You know, you have very beautiful eyes."

"I'm sorry, what?" I looked at him and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was that same crazed smile, those piercing eyes looking into me. It couldn't be... how... why?

"Did you miss me... Rider?"
Wow. Crazy, he's a business teacher. What an odd occupation for a murderer. Curious as to what's going to happen next. Oh and sorry Rider... hope you guys have a good day.

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