Short Circuited (7)

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Natalie's POV

It's been quiet for a few days and we were currently fighting a mutant named Rabbitcon by the docks. 

"Who are you?!" Rabbitcon snarled as we stopped him in his tracks

"What's with mutants and asking stupid questions?" I asked no one in particular

"Time Force! You're under arrest, we don't want any trouble!" Trip said sternly while we showed our Time Force badges that seemed to shine in the sun "Now give yourself up peacefully!"

Rabbitcon sneered "Not a chance, Cyclobots!"

 "We tried to warn you!" Trip said nonchalantly as we followed his lead and took out our Chrono sabers

In perfect sync, we started taking down the cyclobots one by one. I hit one and threw my left arm back hitting another. I flipped backward and hit three more as I flipped.

Out of nowhere, Rabbitcon let out these streams of red electricity and seemed to wrap around Trip who groaned in pain. Rabbitcon lifted Trip and it looked like he was throwing Trip around like a ragdoll.

"Hey, leave him alone!" I said as I ran and tried to hit him with my Chrono saber 

"I don't think so!" Rabbitcon shouted as I was also lifted into the air by one of the electricity streams

I let out a yell in pain from the shocks from the streams around me. 

One second we are in the air and then the next, Trip and I are thrown against the shipping containers and seemed like the voltage intensified as Trip and I groaned in pain as we hit the ground.

"That is gonna leave a mark!" I choked out as I tried to get up again

The others surrounded us and helped us up. Katie and Jen helped Trip up, while Lucas and Wes helped me up.

We went to take him on again but then this time everyone was slammed to the ground again by the streams of electricity.

Everyone slowly got back up on their feet again.

"It will take a lot more than that to stop me!" Trip said as he charged forward with his Chrono sabers

Trip blocks a hit and swings the Chrono saber in his other hand and connects with Rabbitcon making him stumble backward.

"Time Strike!" Trip calls out activating the attack as he jumps into the air and lands the attack on Rabbitcon

"Yeah! We got him" Trip says to us but then Rabbitcon chuckles evilly

"I don't think it's over yet, Trip" I said to the boy in green as he looked from us to Rabbitcon again

"That's what you think!" Rabbitcon evilly said as he reached for his mutagen patch "I've saved the best for last!"

"Circuit, we need you buddy" I called to our owl friend over the com-link as Rabbitcon grew 10 times his normal size

"Right away!" Circuit said as he came flying out of nowhere and perched on a nearby rusted bar "Dispatching Time Force Megazord!"

We saw the zords come through the portal and as they formed the Megazord, we jump up and inside the cockpit. We formed the Time Jet and Trip called out the first attack on Rabbitcon.

"Cyclone Defense!" Trip called out activating the twister like attack

The Megazord zoomed forward and started going round and round like a tornado.

 Rabbitcon growled with frustration and shot lasers from his eyes at us but it didn't work. The tornado that formed around us acted like a barrier between him and us. 

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