Lucas's Revenge (Part 1) (8)

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It was early morning a few days later after the incident involving Nadira kidnapping Circuit.

I rose from my bed in the clock tower and quickly got dressed. I went down the stairs and to the window ledge. As I looked over the city, I leaned against the wall on the edge.

It was peaceful. A nice break from Ransik's mutants.

While it was peaceful, it also gave me time to think as well. Everything in my life has truly changed. I've noticed a lot of things about myself in these last few weeks. Being a ranger has truly given me something to fight for and is helping me see who I really am and not just an heir to a fortune.

I glanced at the city and the sunrise one last time before turning back around and walking into the main room. I also see Jen emerge from her room in what looked like exercise gear.

"Early riser?" I asked as she came into view

"Something like that" Jen said with a bit of an attitude

"Ok" I said under my breath

"What are you doing up?" Jen said "I didn't take you as an early riser kind of person"

"There's a lot you guys don't even know about me" I said vaguely, not wanting to talk much more

"Hey, you need a training partner?" I said as I stood up from my spot at the table

"Why not?" Jen agreed hesitantly

I went and quickly changed into leggings and a purple sports bra before joining Jen in the main room once again.

I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, along with some water bottles and a towel.

We exited the clock tower and walked to the park, just a few blocks away.

We then stopped by a tree and set our bags down by the base. After that, Jen then proceeded to wrap some sort of thing around the tree. I guess to mimic a training dummy. As for me, I popped in my headphones that are connected to my iPod and I began stretching. I stretched for a good 5 minutes before getting up again. I cracked my neck and started doing a few moves from my martial arts class.

"What move is that?" I heard Jen ask

"You are from the future and you still haven't learned about Capoeira?" I asked as I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and drink some water.

"I've learned a lot of martial arts but I haven't practiced in a while, so I'm still a little rusty!" She explained as she started landing kicks on the tree in front of her.

Over the last week or two, Jen seemed like she was opening up but still looked like she was putting up a front. I noticed Lucas seemed like he was getting along with everyone as well but, it seemed like he still had a problem with me.

"Would you like me to teach you a few moves?" I asked her as I started practicing again

She nodded her head as she wiped off her brow "Sure"

I started off showing her a few starter moves before moving on to more advanced stuff.

"You first start out with stepping side to side while switching your arms as you move" I instructed as I put on the music and she followed my lead.

"Then you step back with your left foot and the back again, while using that motion to lean to the side as you bend your arm and then repeat" I explained to her as I showed her one last move

"One final step is stepping back with your left foot and then when you come forward, you swing your leg high!" I showed as she then followed my lead once more. (A/N: If any of this is wrong please let me know! I'm just going off of research since I never took capoeira before) 

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