- Chapter 14 -

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> when I got back home, I directly opened my Facebook account with a smile not leaving my lips but what I saw on Aaron's timeline kinda broke my heart into peaces... >

he had a post that was in French (yeah, Aaron & I & even the others can understand a little bit of French) it was saying:

" C'est décidé: enfin je dois mourir mais je te promis, tu ne vas pas vivre heureuse malgré tout. Merci pour rien et je t'aime durant toute ma vie et pendant la mort. #Faye "

I kept reading it over and over not believing my eyes then I decided to translate it to English so I can make sure I'm understanding it right...

and... yeah, i was right. that's what his post was saying:

" it's decided: finally, I have to die. but I promise you, you won't live happily after all. Thank you for nothing and I love you in all my life and after death. #Faye "

I was just now in shock looking at that post of his. who's Faye? nah, I don't think it was my friend Faye because he knew she loves Henry. plus, I know he doesn't like her that way. but who can that Bitch Faye be? is it his ex? his crush? his girlfriend? or his friend? but.. I saw him before commenting on a girl named Faye's pictures but I just thought it was a member of his family or a friend of his.

but, WAIT !! did he just mention death????

is he gonna die? ugh, at least I won't have to see his idiot face everyday and remember the way he lied to me.

I was right not to believe him.


I knew that Love Was Bad.

I knew that he was lying.

I knew that boys only use girls for fun.

I knew that these 3 words meant nothing to people like him.

I knew he was just a jerk. a player. an asshole who likes playing with girls feelings like a game in his hands.

but I also thanked god I followed my brain and stopped my heart from telling me to date him.
but why would he lie to me?

I probably don't deserve this.
I HATE HIM. I HATE HIM. I HATE HIM TO DEATH. - I kept saying over and over -


the next morning:

I was doing my maths homework while listening to "The Heart Wants What It Wants" by "Selena Gomez"

suddenly, I received a message. I looked at who it was from and it was Aaron. I didn't want to talk to him at the moment because what he posted yesterday on his timeline really made me sad.

I took a deep a breath and read the message. it said:

after about 2 minutes, I answered:
"I miss you"  was all what he said.

I smiled at his text but then I remembered what happened yesterday so I quickly took the thoughts about him loving me off and I said even that I felt like I'm being mean to him:
"did you miss me or you're at the wrong address? "

seconds later, he answered:
"why are you like that, Daisy? why whenever I talk to you, you answer rudely? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you though."

for a moment, I felt guilty. I really felt so bad. I thought about an answer for him then I texted saying:
"ugh, you don't need to be sorry.. and you're not bothering me.
I'm the one who is sorry if I made you angry.."
"it's fine" he said.
"so, how are you?" I said changing the subject.
"I'm fine, you?"
"I'm great"
"Daisy.... I swear, I love you" he said that which made my heart beat faster and faster. I couldn't answer him. I just kept thinking and I didn't realize that more than 5 minutes had already passed so he said:
"Daisy, please, be my girlfriend"

I was now reading the text over and over then I felt like I had no answer. I finally decided to ignore him and just ask my best friends in Canada for an advice. (I had 3 ones there and I just miss them so much) I didn't want to ask Natalie since I already know her answer. she'd tell me not to date him.

so, I started with Jessy who said that I shouldn't date him if I'm not sure he likes me. and that if she was in my place, she'd just tell him that they should only be friends.

then, I asked Katy who totally had an opposite answer. she advised me to follow my heart and date him and she also said that I should just try since I won't lose anything. which made me feel confused because I didn't think that Katy, the calm smart girl, would advice me to date a bad boy like Aaron. and she told me that he was cute ( Awwh, and he'll probably be cuter with me )

hours later, I decided to answer him. because ignoring him would be really mean.
"just give me the time and I promise I'll answer you. and by the way, who's Faye that you love in all your life? ha? :3 " I said remembering his post of yesterday.
"she was my ex. and now I just hate her as much as I loved her before.." he answered quickly.

I didn't believe him though.. if he doesn't love her anymore, then, why'd he still post words like that about her? and from what I understand, it looks like he didn't break up with her a long time ago. so, why he asked me to be his girlfriend from before? then, I suddenly remembered when - 2 weeks ago - we were going upstairs so Wendy asked him if he still love me and he just said "why are you asking?" and changed the subject. maybe because of Faye?

anyways, I didn't realize that I had already answered him saying "oh, ok ok."  even though I was thinking about something else.
"and when will you tell me about your answer?" he asked.

I quickly typed saying:
"when I want to. just stop telling me that." it's true that It was a rude answer but I didn't care.
"why are you talking like that, Daisy?"
"Talking like what, Aaron?"
"ok, bye. I was wrong to talk to you because whenever I do, you just answer rudely."

I kept looking at his text realising how mean I was to him. so, I said being a little bit mad and confused:
"bye. I didn't even do anything to you. and if you think you're wrong to talk to me, then, it's ok."
"bye." he simply answered in a cold way.
"bye, darling :O " I finally said.

he just saw it and didn't answer and I ended up telling my best friend Natalie what happened...

I kept reading the conversation again and I decided NOT to talk to him until he apologize. because I didn't really mean to hurt him or even make him mad. I was just answering him coldly because I didn't believe that thing about Faye...

* the next morning *

I woke up at 8 am and my stomach hurting A LOT. I opened my Facebook account to find Aaron online. I quickly turned my phone off and tried to go back to sleep.

hours later, I was texting Faye, Emma & Wendy and suddenly, I received a message from ......... Aaron.

what do you think Aaron said to her? will he apologize or fight again??
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LOVE YA ;) x

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