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I want you to listen to my cry,

Hear the calling of my voice,

Just take a look upon the sky,

And know we all have a choice.

There will be times when you feel alone,

The feeling of being lost in the shadows,

You think that your life is lived only by hate,

Believe that, truly you have sealed your fate.

You think you are nothing,

In your eyes, you are a zero,

But to others you are something,

In their eyes, you are a hero.

It does not matter with your past sins and scars,

To all of us, you are perfect of who you are,

You think that your life has no meaning,

To your loved ones, you are their reason.

Forever Separated

Day 79

1330 Hours


"Don't worry, this will only take a second," Niki assures me, flicking a lever on the panel.

"That's what you said last time," I argue. She rolls her eyes with a smile and shuts the lid.

"There, the WiFi's back up, what did I tell you?" She smirks, sliding into the chair and powering on the communications to Mira HQ.

"Whatever," I giggle. "Are we gonna talk to Cassie?" I peer over her shoulder as her fingers fly over the keyboard, rapidly typing.

"Yup," A second later she's powering the mic on and she sends a message. "This is astronaut Nikita Nihachu of the Polus expedition, are you receiving me?" But instead of the usual immediate response, we're met with static. Panic courses through me instantly. "Huh, I'm going on the roof to check the antenna, stay here," Niki says, quickly exiting. I hear banging as she climbs up the ladder and then her quiet voice saying "Shit," I jump up and hurry outside.

"What's the matter?" I ask, searching the satellite for damage.

"The antenna is completely ruined, there's no way to fix this," She explains, running a hand along the back of the satellite dish.

"So we have no connection to Mira at all?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"There's an antenna on the dropship, but it'll only work once we get into Earth's orbit. We're on our own for now." She says, glancing sadly at the sky.

"How did it happen, though?" I prod, confused about how the antenna ripped.

She bites her lip. "It didn't happen on accident Ravyn," Niki says soberly. "We've been sabotaged."

Shock courses through my bloodstream, alongside panic and fear. We're alone with a murderer who actually knows what they're doing.

"Press the emergency button, this is bad," She instructs, and I sprint towards the office. On my way, I notice two more of the ominous human-shaped holes.

Day 79

2035 Hours

Sleeping Quarters

"I can't believe I can't talk to Cassie anymore," I whisper to Tubbo. The two of us are sitting on the floor in the middle of the room while everyone else is asleep.

"We'll make it back, though, right?" Tubbo asks, and my heart breaks a little.

"Of course," I say. "What was life like for you, back home?"

He pauses like he's trying hard to remember. "My dad- my dad abandoned me when I was little and climate change was just starting to affect the earth. Another family found me and took me in during the bad years. Phil, my dad, and his three sons were amazing. Technoblade is the oldest, he's a survivalist and he kept us alive during the floods and famines. Wilbur was his twin, he was amazing, but he went insane, and kept asking for dad to end his life for him. Dad eventually caved in, and he died at 24. But the youngest, Tommy, is my best friend. He's kinda reckless and I'm not sure how he's survived all this, but he's really funny and loud." He smiles honestly. "Wilbur had a son, we never knew about him, but after he died his son was put up for adoption. I never met him, but his name's Fundy. I hope someday I get to talk to him though since I'm technically his family."

Suddenly, something clicks in my brain. "I think Alex has a boyfriend named Fundy..."

Tubbo's eyes light up. "Really?! That's crazy! I'll ask him to tell me about him over breakfast tomorrow!" He grins excitedly. "What about you? What's your backstory?" He whispers like it's a forbidden secret, leaning in close to hear my tales.

"Well, you've met Cassie briefly. She's my younger sister by a year and a half, and she's the most energetic and extroverted person that I know. Our mother drowned in the floods and our other mom - we used to call her Angie - was killed in a streetfight. After their deaths, my mental health plummeted. I got better, though, once Cassie and I joined 'Above the Horizon'. And, you know the rest. Cassie stayed at Mira HQ and I volunteered to come here, into a different solar system." I finish dramatically, doing tiny jazz hands for extra effect. He laughs quietly, his little giggles floating past the snores. "We should sleep now anyway, it's almost 23:00," I say and he gives a small pout.

"Fine..." He whines, dragging his feet across the floor to his bunk. I stifle a laugh with my hand and tuck myself under the covers of my bed. Even through all this bad, we'll always have each other.

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Tubbo fluff...


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