0.04 : The Test

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Aleks POV:

                When we entered the room, I couldn't believe my eyes.  The first thing I saw was a gigantic clear circle with a chair inside of it.  To the left of that was a wall covered in four large monitors that were blank.  There was also a small desk in the far right corner with several papers strewn across it.

                The man was pulling me towards the desk by my arm.  I glanced back behind my shoulder at the bubble.  What was that for?  It looked unreal.  I turned my attention back to the desk.

                "Wait here a minute and don't try anything like last time." he said to me glaring.  He then turned from me and walked back through the way we had come.  I stood not knowing what to do.  I glanced back at the papers on the desk.

                Scene 03:                       

                Subject walks through field to waterfall.  Appears worried.  Touches waterfall and smiles.  Sky turns purple.  Subject screams and falls as water turns to what we believe to be blood.  They are now covered in something yellow.  Sky is now black and blood is everywhere in field of sunflowers.  Someone else appears bearing gun.  End scene 03.

                I furrowed my brow.  I took a step closer to the documents and went to turn the page on top over to see what I thought might be the previous scenes when I heard someone clear their throat.  I turned round to see a young woman in her mid-twenties wearing a white coat over the black pants and sweater.  She came towards me slowly as if questioning her every step.  "Hello Aleksandr, my name is Dr.Sydney and I will be caring for you today."  she said.  She looked to see what I was standing in front of and smiled.  "I see that you have gone ahead and taken a look at some of our past observations."

                I glanced behind me again at the document that I read only moments ago.  I took my attention back to Dr.Sydney and asked "What are they observations of?"

                "Well, that is what other scientists saw on the monitors when performing the test on other new trainee's.  I will be observing what you see in todays test."

                I swallowed the lump in my throat.  I had to worry about some stranger looking into my mind now?  "What is the purpose of this test?"  I asked her looking back at the large bubble.

                "Ah, well you see, it helps us to know your fears and your advantages so that when we begin training you we can work on those things."  she explained now only slightly smiling.  Training for what?

                "I assure you Aleksandr, that all your questions will be answered but we need to get this over with now, alright?"  I nodded in response.  All I wanted was to be able to sleep back home in my warm bed.

                She grinned and walked over to the bubble and opened a glass door that I had not seen before.  She looked back at me and jerked her head at the door.  I walked up to the door and stepped inside.

                I looked back, only to see the door being closed behind me.  I opened my mouth to say something but it was to late.  Dr.Sydney walked over to the desk and pressed something.  A voice came on in the glass circle.

                "Welcome to the test subject 76.  Please seat yourself in the chair before you."

                I walked over to the chair and sat down.  Suddenly, metal restraints came out from the chair and wrapped around my wrists and ankles.  Great, now I was trapped in here with this damn voice.

                "Please relax and complete the test.  A doctor will be there to see you out once testing is complete." 

                An almost clear gas began to seep into the bubble.  I held my breath  as the gas approached my chair.  I could not let them control me.  My lungs started to burn.  I was now fully surrounded by this gas.  I held on for as long as I could before giving in.  I began to feel numb.  I was so tired.  I struggled to keep my eyes open.  I would close them but for only a second.


                I awoke in a dark hallway filled with portraits.  I walked down the hallway towards the door at the end.  The paintings were an assortment of coffins and roses. I reached the door at the end and opened it.  Behind it was the office filled with light.  I sighed in relief and walked in. 

                "Hello?"  I called as I walked into the main room.  I heard someone familar scream in agony.  "James?!"  I  yelled only to hear another scream.  I started to run down the familiar hallway until I reached James closed door.  I turned the handle slowly and opened the door.

                Blood was all over the walls.  On the floor was a smiling James.  "James!" I exclaimed running over to him.  "Aleks, I missed you." he said back hugging me.  "Are you okay?" I asked looking into his eyes.

                "Of course..."  A spot of dark red began to form on his chest.  "James?"  I asked frowning.

                "What is it?  Oh I'm so glad your back!"  I stepped away from him and cryed out.  His whole chest was covered in blood now.  He only smiled.  "Come find me Aleks, I need you."

                I screamed.

                I was in a house.  Smoke waved at me in the air.  I walked out of the small bedroom and paused at the sight.  Orange flames were everyhere.  I searched for the front door but saw none.  I ran into the kitchen.  Where was the exit?

                I could hear cracking.  A loud bang erupted from the living room.  I opened my mouth but quickly closed it as I tasted smoke.  I ran around the rest of the first floor only to see that there was no exit or windows for that matter.  I was going to either burn or suffocate, whichever came first.

                I ran back to the bedroom I was in before.  An axe was there now.  I picked it up and began to break the wall.  I gasped as smoke crawled closer to me with flames trailing it.  I coughed and continued to swing.  Nothing was happening.  The smoke was all around me now.  I dropped the axe and coughed again.  This was it.  

                White.  Silence.


                I felt myself being lifted out of the chair and tossed to the ground.  I coughed and opened my eyes slowly to see Dr.Sydney kneeling over me.  We were outside the bubble that was now filled with dark smoke.

                "It's over Aleks.  It's over."











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